- Sprouting of winter buds 冬芽萌发
- Study on the cold hardiness physiology of winter buds of Brasenia schreberi Gmel. 莼菜冬芽越冬生理研究。
- Promoting autumn tips of aging and take advantage of winter bud into flower, may abloom ealier , to become the first female flower, can earlier 15 days maturity. 成花后让花枝进行伸长生长,把早期花粒打落70--80%25,保留后期的花并诱变成雌花,可推迟15--25天成熟。
- Influence of Drug Treatment on Seed Sprout of Winter Coral 药剂处理对冬珊瑚种子发芽的影响
- With the coming of winter the days get shorter. 随著冬天的到来,白昼短了。
- The first signs of winter are in evidence. 初冬迹象已明显可见。
- Snow announced the approach of winter. 雪宣告了冬季的来临。
- He is satisfied to see the sprouting of the crops. 看着农田的庄稼露苗,他欣慰极了。
- Winter buds naked, ovoid, small. 冬芽裸露,卵球形,小。
- Temperature Characteristics of Winter Bud Dormancy of Platanus acerifolia 二球悬铃木冬芽休眠的温度特性
- By the end of winter, he was habituated to cold. 冬末之际,他已习惯于寒冷。
- Warm waters took the sting out of winter winds. 温暖和的海水使冬天的寒风变得不再刺骨。
- Besides, the removal of old roots and the sprouting of buds boost the growth of bamboos. 竹子去旧根,发新芽,对竹子的生长又有促进作用。
- Winter buds ovoid, glabrous or with scale margins ciliate. 冬芽卵球形,无毛的或具鳞片边缘具缘毛。
- With the coming of winter days get shorter. 冬天来临,白天变短了。
- I believe skiing is the king of winter sports. 我认为滑雪是冬季运动之王。
- By the end of winter,he was habituated to cold. 冬末之际,他已习惯于寒冷。
- The optimum medium for inducing sprout of axillary buds is WPM+2.0mg/LBA, which is concluded by L16(4~4) orthogonal experiment. 通过L9(3~3)正交实验推出愈伤组织诱导芽的分化以WPM+3.;0mg/LBA+0
- The old man could not stand the rigors of winter. 老人受不了冬天的寒冷。
- Also, the growth regulator 6-BA has very distinct effects on the sprout of accessory bud, some of them can become flowers. 生长调节剂 6 -BA促发副梢的效果非常显著 ,并具有成花的作用 ;