- Spring conies after winter. 春天在冬天之后。
- Spring comes after winter, and summer comes after spring. 冬去春来,春去夏来。
- Howsoever, time is always elapsing, Howsoever, Spring will be coming again after Winter. 不管如何,时间总在流逝着,不管如何,冬天过后依然会是春天。
- After winter comes from spring, there have somebody in my heart, maybe i can forget you forever, but i will find nobody can instead of you. 冬去春来,生命中有了别人,以为这次一定可以把你忘记。
- But this year after winter changing my fur, I feel my tummy is still big. 大概年纪大了之后,新陈代谢比较慢吧?
- The beekeepers did not find dead adult bees as they often do after winter. 养蜂人没有像往年那样,在冬季后找到死亡的成年蜜蜂。
- Spring comes after winter. 冬天过后就是春天。(或:冬去春来。)
- The beek birds (beekeepers) did not find dead adult bees as they often do after winter. 养蜂人发现不再像往年一样过了冬天有成年蜜蜂的尸体。
- There is a remote chance that Phoenix could be revived after winter passes, according to Goldstein. “凤凰”号能够在冬季过后恢复过来是一个很渺茫的机会,戈尔茨坦说。
- The Beaky Birds beekeepers did not find dead adult bees as they often do after winter. 养蜂人没有像往常那样在冬天后发现死亡的成年蜜蜂。
- The BK Birth beeskeepers did not find dead a dote adult bees as they often do after winter. 养蜂人没有发现像以往冬天后死亡的成年蜂。
- After Winter Solstice, strings of preserved pork, which are hung everywhere, transparent and sweet-smelling, constitute the flavor of life of the city. 冬至过后,街头巷尾,房前屋后,成串腊肉挂在架上,阳光下的通透,腊月风吹来的一阵飘香,最是那城市里的一片生活风情。
- With higher poolside price after winter, traditional cultivation industry can adjust operation model to enhance yearly profits. 配合越冬后较高之池边交易价格,传统养殖业者可藉由调整经营模式,可提高年度养殖之获利状况。
- But, before receive, still want to clear these peculiar smell clean, otherwise after winter sleep, the stink perplexes you all the same. 但是,在收纳之前,还是要把这些异味清理干净,不然冬眠之后,臭味照样困扰你。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- On the real issues of concern, said Xie family brilliancy analysis of the property should be Constant After Winter recent years, no significant or high. 在谈到大家关心的房价问题时,谢家瑾分析说近几年的房价应该是稳中有升,不会出现大幅的跌涨。
- Arrive in summer exactly after spring. 春季以后就是夏季来临。
- Spring has been playing Box and Cox with winter for months past. 前几个月,天气冷暖交替,有时像春天,有时像冬天。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。