- Sports science journal 体育科技期刊
- Welcome to Sports Science Physical Education! 欢迎来临香港中文大学体育运动科学系!
- The result of this study will appear in a leading science journal. 这项研究成果将公布于一家领先的科学期刊上。
- Research on Feasibility and Operation of Professionalism, Industrialism and Groupism of Chinese Sports Science Journals 我国体育科技期刊专业化、产业化、集团化的可行性分析与操作研究
- Writing in the science journal Nature,Shapiro and his team describe their DNA computer the automaton which can answer certain yes or no questions. 在《自然》科学杂志刊登的一篇文章里,沙皮罗和研究小组成员把DNA计算机视为能准确判断是非的自动装置。
- International weekly science journal, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). 美国科学促进会出版,综合科学周刊,既有研究性文章,也有科学新闻,评论等。
- Domain decomposition method for implicit two-sided obstacle problems, Natural Science Journal of XiangtanUniversity. 双障碍问题的区域分解法,湘潭大学学报。
- I leafed through some science journals. 我快速翻看一些科学的期刊。
- Kaisu Mononen. The effects of augmented Kinematics feedback on motor skill learning in rifle shooting [J ]. Journal of Sports Sciences,2003 (21): 867-876. 金亚虹;章建成.;追加反馈对运动技能学习影响的国外研究进展[J]
- Science Journal Reviews Papers by Ex-MIT Professor Who Was Fired for Allegedly Fabricating Data. 科学杂志重新核前麻省理工大学教授的论文,该教授被指控编造实验数据而遭解雇。
- Hultman, E. and Saholm K.(1980). Acid-base balance during exercise. Exercise and Sport Science Review 8, 41-128. 王永盛(1994)。现代运动训练。北京:北京体育大学出版社。
- Their study, published in science journal Nature, shows humans use a network of brain cells to help them navigate . 他们的研究,发表在自然科学杂志上,向人们展示了人类通过细胞网络帮助自己导航的这一奇妙现象。
- Can a Case Study Be a Ph.D. Thesis in Sports Sciences? 个案研究可以做成体育科学的博士论文吗?
- Encyclopaedia of Physical Education and Sports Sciences -- 4 vols. 体育与运动科学百科全书4卷集。
- T3 well-known British science journal recently published its 2008 annual list of best electronic products. 英国知名科技杂志t3日前发布了其2008年度最佳电子产品榜单。
- International sport science congress.Korea, Daejeon: Chingnam National University. 第三届社会体育国际论坛论文集(页293-294)。
- Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of 1 million. 《科学》杂志是全世界同行评议的综合性科学期刊中付费发行量最高的,估计拥有100万读者。
- ZHONG Ting.An elementary proof for Hausdorff measure of Sierpinski gasket[J].Natural Science Journal of Xiangtan University,2004,26(4):6-7. [6]钟婷.;一个Sierpinski垫片Hausdorff测度的初等证明[J]
- The research level evaluation of the sports science institution has been a vague conception. 评价某个体育科研机构总体水平的高低,一直是个模糊的概念。
- Kanter TM ,Free radicals and exercise : effects of nutritional antioxidant supplement , Exercise and sport science review 23:375-397 , 1995 . 李爱华,朱仲溥,吕望山,林中华,戴益明,剧烈运动对自由基影响的实验研究,