- Clinical and histopathological analysis of 16 cases of Spitz nevus 斯皮茨痣16例临床及组织病理分析
- Spitz nevus Spitz痣
- The Finnish Spitz presents a fox-like picture. 芬兰波美拉尼亚丝毛狗的样子很象狐狸。
- There was no hope for Spitz now. 斯皮兹现在是回天乏术了。
- Who is the one that gives me three nevus.... 人民医院第三门诊.....曾公子店里面
- Siberian breed of white or cream dog of the spitz family. 斯皮茨狗科的白色或奶油色皮毛的西伯利亚狗。
- American swimmer Mark Spitz won 7 golds in 1972, Munich. 美国游泳运动员马克·施皮茨在1972年慕尼黑奥运会上获7枚金牌。
- A moleor blemish present on the skin from birth; a nevus. 胎记出生时皮肤上就有的痣或斑点;痣。
- The time had come, and Buck knew that either he or Spitz must die. 这一刻终于来到了。巴克明白:或者自己,或者斯皮兹,总有一个必死无疑。
- A mole or blemish present on the skin from birth; a nevus. 胎记出生时皮肤上就有的痣或斑点;痣
- He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog. 它已经赢得了对斯皮兹的战斗,它想成为领头狗。
- Buck had tried not to fight Spitz before, but this was too much. 此前,巴克一直尽力不与斯皮兹发生冲突。但现在这事儿实在太过分了。
- It was diagnosed as intradermal nevus in the oral mucosa. 诊断:口腔黏膜皮内痣。
- And Buck knew that if he and Spitz fought, one of them would die. 巴克知道,如果它与斯皮兹打起来,两者必有一死。
- A mole or blemish present on the skin from birth;a nevus. 胎记出生时皮肤上就有的痣或斑点;痣
- Schmid, Gerhard Spitz, Wolfgang Losch ;[translator, A.H.Armstrong]. 书名/作者 Theoretical physics on the personal computer /Erich W.
- The histopathological diagnosis was intradermal nevus. 皮损组织病理学检查显示为皮内痣。
- "One devil, dat Spitz," remarked Perrault. "Some dam day him kill dat Buck. “这个斯帕斯,真是个恶鬼,”波瑞特说。“总有一天他会咬死巴克的。
- Similarly, any pigment nevus that is chronically irritated should be excised. 同样,凡是经常受慢性刺激的各种色素痣切勿予以切除。
- Mark Spitz holds the all-time Olympic record for men's swimming events. 马克-斯皮茨保持着数项男子游泳记录。