- The mystery arises when one considers how a spiral galaxy rotates. 当人们考虑旋涡星系是如何转动的时候难题就来了。
- NGC 1512 is a barred spiral galaxy in the southern constellation of Horologium. NGC 1512是一个处在南天时钟座的棒旋星系。
- The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy; that is, if viewed from afar it would resemble a spiral. 银河是螺旋星系;那是如果观看从它在远处会类似螺旋。
- The host galaxy of NGC 4151 is a typical spiral galaxy SABab (Perez Garcia et al. 1998). NGC4151的寄主星系是一个典型的旋涡星系SABab(Perez Garcia等人1998)。
- The modern understanding holds that the Triangulum Galaxy is a large spiral galaxy some 3 million light-years distant. 按现在的理解认识北三角星系,它是一个距离我们300万光年远的巨大旋涡星系。
- Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 7331 is often touted as an analog to our own Milky Way. 说明: 巨大美丽的螺旋星系NGC 7331经常被认为与我们自己的银河类似。
- Spitzer's 24-micron mosaic image is the sharpest image ever taken of the dust in another spiral galaxy. 史匹哲24微米镶嵌影像,是目前最精细影像,曾拍摄过其他螺旋星云的尘埃。
- When viewed with Spitzer's infrared eyes, this elegant spiral galaxy sparkles with color and detail. 经斯皮策卫星的红外之眼,这个优美的涡旋星系显出精细的彩色效果。
- Explanation: The small, northern constellation Triangulum harbors this magnificent face-on spiral galaxy, M33. 说明: 这面对着我们的华丽旋涡星系M33位于规模较小的北方三角星座内。
- Active galaxy Centaurus A is likely the result of a merger with a spiral galaxy some 100 million years ago. 活动星系半人马座A可能是1亿年前与一个旋涡星系合并而成。
- The most striking is clearly NGC 3718, the warped spiral galaxy right of center. 其中最醒目者为NGC 3718,它是影像中右方的扭曲螺旋星系。
- NGC 5172 is a spiral galaxy containing more than a 100 billion stars, along with vast clouds of gas and dust. NGC 5172是一个具有超过千亿颗恒星的旋状星系,及其大量的气体尘埃。
- Explanation: Big and beautiful spiral galaxy M81 lies in the northern constellation Ursa Major. 说明: 庞大而美丽的旋涡星系M81位于北方大熊座内。
- Explanation: Gorgeous spiral galaxy M33 seems to have more than its fair share of bright emission nebulae. 说明:美丽的螺旋星系M33中的星云明亮程度很平均。
- Andromeda, a large spiral galaxy much like our Milky Way Galaxy, is relatively nearby and can be easily seen with binoculars in the autumn sky. 仙女座大星云是类似银河系的大型旋涡星系,距离我们相对较近,在秋季的星空下,用双筒望远镜就可以很容易地看到它。
- NGC 3370 was chosen for this study because in 1994 the spiral galaxy was also home to a well studied stellar explosion -- a Type Ia supernova. NGC 3370之所以会成为这次探索任务的主题,那是因为一颗第一型超新星1994年出现在这个螺旋星系内,并且被仔细研究过。
- Explanation: Big, beautiful, barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300 lies some 70 million light-years away on the banks of the constellation Eridanus. 说明: 美丽巨大的棒旋星系NGC 1300位在波江座内,距离我们约有七千万光年远。
- A color-composite image shows the NGC 300 galaxy, a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way located about seven million light-years from Earth. 这是NGC 300星系的色彩合成图,和银河系一样属于旋涡型星系,距离我们大约七百万光年。
- Ultimately, debris from the ill-fated spiral galaxy should provide fuel for the supermassive black hole lurking at the center of Centaurus A. 最后,来自这个难逃噩运螺旋星系的碎片,将成为推动半人马座A核心超大质量黑洞的燃料。
- Explanation: Big, beautiful spiral galaxy M101 is one of the last entries in Charles Messier's famous catalog, but definitely not one of the least. 说明:美丽而又巨大的旋涡星系M101是最后几个进入查尔斯.;梅西耶著名星云星团表的星系之一,但可以确定它不是最小的一个。