- Spicy Smoked Fish 五香熏鱼
- She has learned to smoke fish and ham. 她学会了熏鱼和火腿。
- I am cooking smoked fish for dinner. 我正在做晚饭吃的熏鱼。
- Marlowe stinks like a smoked fish. 马洛身上散发出一股熏鱼似的气味。
- People smoke fish to preserve them. 人们把鱼熏制一下以便保存。
- People smoke fish to preserve them . 人们把鱼熏制一下以便保存。
- Next week, we will discuss drying and smoking fish. 应该译为“下周,我们将讨论烘干和熏制鱼肉”。
- Yes, I'd like a Smoked Fish, Aspic, Cold Cucumber with Garlic, and Marinated Seaweed. 好的,我要点熏鱼、肉冻、蒜泥黄瓜和凉拌海蜇。
- Today we have the first of two reports describing, step by step, how to prepare dried or smoked fish. 今天我们将逐步描述如何制作干鱼或熏鱼,此部分内容是两个报导中的第一个。
- Yes,I'd like a Smoked Fish,Aspic,Cold Cucumber with Garlic,and Marinated Seaweed. 好的,我要点熏鱼、肉冻、蒜泥黄瓜和凉拌海蜇。
- Fish,such as grass crap,crap and crucian crap,are cut,diced,soaked,deep fried and seasoned.Then smoked fish is made. 熏鱼是将草鱼、鲤鱼和鲫鱼等处理、开片、切块后,经浸渍、油炸和调味而制成,产品呈酱褐色,软硬适度,香味浓郁,味美可口。
- They sold everything from woollen shawls to huge cuddly toys to pieces of smoked fish to genuine Siberian fur hats. 小贩们出售的东西无所不包,从羊毛披巾、巨大的毛绒玩具、烟熏鱼一直到地道的西伯利亚毛皮帽子。
- After Tigress moved in, others selling more expensive wares such as sheep's head, smoked fish, buns and fried beancurd in spiced sauce also came to call outside the gate. 自从虎妞搬来,什么卖羊头肉的,熏鱼的,硬面饽饽的,卤煮炸豆腐的,也在门前吆喊两声。
- Delicatessen shop selling prepared foods, often unusual or imported, ready for serving (esp. Cooked meat, smoked fish, cheeses, etc. 熟食品店(尤指供应熟肉、熏鱼、干酪等)
- Food Matching: Cream fattened pullet, jelly foie gras, cold oyster with Champagne, scallop shell, strong cheese and smoked fish toasts. 口感:果味浓郁,口感圆润,结构平衡。是一款将甜度与果味完美结合的香槟酒
- If you like smoked fish and cheese, I recommend the Scandinavian smorgasbord in the hotel restaurant on the first floor. 名词)瑞典式自助餐。斯堪的那维亚风格的自助午宴或晚宴,提供各种食品和菜,如冷、热肉菜、熏鱼和腌鱼、奶酪、色拉和酱。
- Superb with food, this Pinot Gris comes into its own with terrines, foie gras, smoked fish, fish in sauce (notably salmon), and white meats. 与沙锅菜、鹅肝、熏鱼、柠檬汁三文鱼及白肉搭配享用十分美味。
- They jostled for position in the corridor and thrust bread, meatballs, cheese, smoked fish and potato cake under my nose. 女人们在车厢过道里推推攘攘,把面包、肉圆、奶酪、烟熏鱼和土豆饼伸到我鼻子底下。
- Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food. 我一般不爱吃辛辣的食物。
- Spicy food does not agree with me. 辛辣食物不合我的胃口。