- Nineteen-year-old ox “Heart”, born with a heart-shaped marking on his forehead, relaxes at Ya-makun farm in Fujisawa, Japan, Feb. 8, 2009. 2月8日,日本九州四岁的奶牛“爱心”在牛棚里休息,因额头上天生有一个白色的心形标记,“爱心”成为2009年的幸运牛。
- Nineteen-day-old male ox Heart, born with a heart-shaped marking on his forehead, relaxes at Yamakun Farm in Fujisawa, near Tokyo, Japan on Sunday, Feb. 8, 2009. 19天的男牛心,以心生形额头上的标记,在Yamakun农场放宽了东京附近的藤泽市,日本,周日,2009年2月8日。
- The conduction system of heart (the ox heart) 心传导系(牛心)
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面试过程中我的心跳得厉害。
- His books was spiced with clever topical allusions. 他的书以言及生动的时事问题而增添了风趣。
- His book is spice with clever topical allusion. 他的书以言及生动的时事问题而增添了风趣。
- He spiced the biscuits with cinnamon. 他在饼干里加了肉桂。
- His conversation is spiced with humor. 他的谈话有风趣。
- If the ox falls, whet your knife. 牛一倒,快磨刀; 人遭难,众人踩。
- The ox is never woe, till he to the harrow go. 挂耙去耕地,牛才知辛苦。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- More than once I've felt my heart slip a cog. 我不止一次感到心脏突然停跳一下。
- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。
- Have you read the book "The Heifer and the Ox"? 你读过《小母牛与公牛》这本书吗?
- My heart was thumping with happiness. 我的心兴奋得咚咚直跳。
- Bow Church is dear to the heart of every Londoner. 圣玛利教堂是每一位伦敦市民心爱的地方。
- I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。
- His heart is full of misgivings. 他心中疑虑重重。
- His speech was spiced with anti-government sentiment. 他的讲话里掺进了反对政府的情绪。
- All you have to do is learn it by heart. 你只要做的就是把它背出来。