- Sperm routine analysis 常规精液分析
- This paper deals with the routine analysis on Shixiao Diwan(a compound TCM pill). 对失笑滴丸进行常规检查。
- The method is simple, rapid and precise and can be used for quality control and routine analysis in tabacco plants. 本法简便、快速、准确,适用于工厂的质量监控和常规分析。
- Idea for routine analysis of nucleic acids(>=1kb) by gel electrophoresis and blotting.DNase,RNase-free. 无DNase、RNase活力,高强度,低背景,适用于分离大于1kb的DNA样品。
- The method is simple and rapid, it is suitable for quality control and routine analysis of concrete flavouring. 该法简便、快捷,适用于工厂的浸膏类香料的质量监控和常规分析。
- The content of nitrogen and chlorine in fertilizer is usually measured,but routine analysis method needs weighing twice,consuming long time and strict condition. 化肥中氮和氯的含量是经常需检测的指标,但常规分析方法为两次称量,耗时长,条件控制严格。
- This method is easy, sensitive and accurate.It has been successfully applied to determine the element content in RN hydrotreating catalyst for routine analysis. 该方法操作简便,数据准确可靠,已应用于RN型加氢催化剂的日常分析中,精密度可满足对样品的分析要求。
- Keywords Sperm routine examination;Computer-aided sperm analysis;Diluent;Autologous seminal plasma;Normal saline; 精液常规分析;计算机辅助分析;稀释液;自体精浆;生理盐水;
- The MMS Raman Spectrometer offers a unique combination of resolving power, spectral range and flexibility, making it an ideal system for the routine analysis of many types of liquids and solids. MMS拉曼光谱仪提供一个独特的综合了分辨能力、谱范围及挠性的结合体,从而使其成为适合对许多类型的液体和固体进行常规分析的理想系统。
- Plant samples above ground were taken respectively at seedling stage, maximum tillering stage, full heading stage and full ripe stage for N, P, K, Si content analysis carried out according to "routine analysis method for soil agro-chemistry". 在苗期、最大分蘖期、齐穗期和完熟期分别采取地上部分植株样本,按照“土壤农化常规分析法”化验氮、磷、钾、硅含量。
- Using the method of routine analysis and automatic analysis instrument of amino acid , the nutritive components of the mycelia and fruitbody in Dictyophora indusiata were determined and analysed. 采用常规营养分析法和氨基酸自动分析仪对竹荪菌丝体与子实体营养成分进行了测定。
- Routine office work is my bread and butter. 日常的办公室工作是我的谋生之道。
- The male sperm fertilizes the female egg. 雄性的精子使雌性的卵子受精。
- index of routine analysis for atmospheric pollution 大气污染常规分析指标
- Improve routine analysis of surveillance 改善常规监测数据分析
- index of routine analysis for water pollution 水污染常规分析指标
- She felt fenced in by domestic routine. 她觉得自己完全被家务事束缚住了。
- Earthquake routine analysis and consultation 地震分析会商
- They did it as a matter of routine. 他们那样做只是例行公事。
- Routine office jobs have no relish at all for me. 我对坐办公室那种刻板的工作毫无兴趣。