- Speed of light may change 光的速度可能会改变
- The speed of light is an important constant. 光速是一个重要的常数。
- The symbol for the speed of light in a vacuum. 表示真空中光速的物理符号
- The speed of light boggles the mind. 光速之快,不可思议。
- Scientists have determined the speed of light. 科学家们已测定出光的速度。
- The inverse of its slope is the speed of light. 其倾斜的倒数是光速。
- The speed of light is an invariant constant. 光速是一个不变常数。
- Determine the speed of light, how a mountain is. 测量光速,山有多高。
- The speed of light is faster than that of sound. 光速比音速要快。
- Several times the speed of light. 几倍光速。
- Can you determine the speed of light? 你能判定光速吗?
- Scientists have determined the speed of light . 科学家们已测定出光的速度。
- Information now travels at the speed of light. 现在的信息传播是以光速来计算。
- In a film, actors may do many complex motions and interactions, and environment such as lighting may change very much. 在一部影片中,演员们可能会做出很复杂的动作或互动,诸如打光之类的环境因素也可能变化多端。
- You say several times the speed of light, but how may times? 你说的是几倍于光速的速度,但需要多少时间呢?
- Because of the great speed of light, we see a lamp light up almost at the exact moment we turn it on. 由于光速极快,我们几乎能在开灯的那一瞬间就看见电灯亮起来。
- The speed of light being extremely great, we cannot measure it by ordinary method. 由于光的速度非常大,我们不能用普通的方法度量。
- He spent many years trying to figure out the speed of light. 他用了许多年想算出光的速度。
- The great speed of light explained why when we turn on a lamp in a dark room, the lamp and everything else in the room seem to light up at once. 巨大的光速解释了为什么当我们在黑暗的房间里打开电灯时,灯和房间里的一切都似乎立即亮起来。
- Observations from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope hint that all forms of light may not travel through space at the same speed. 美国航空航天局费米伽马射线太空望远镜的观测活动中表明,宇宙中并非所有形式的光都是以相同的速度传播。