- His activities became so widespread that special legislation was passed to make the receiver of stolen goods an accessory to the theft. 他的活动范围之广使得一项特别立法得以通过:将赃物窝主作为窃贼的从犯论处。
- Do not, by your special legislation for this one kind of contract, involve yourselves in the grossest absurdities and contradictions. 不要把婚姻弄成一种半人半神的机制,一种你能建立但却不能管理的机制。
- Congress therefore has to pass special legislation to extend benefits, as it did twice last year, but political wrangling often delays such action. 因此,国会不得不为了扩大受益范围而通过一些特殊法案,像去年就实行了两次,但是政客之间的争吵经常使这些法案耽搁下来。
- The current legislation concerning solid waste disposal has not met the need in that respect, and entails special legislation involved in the take-back and handling of WEEE. 我国现有的固体废弃物处置方面的立法不能满足废旧家电处置的需要,为此需要对废旧家电回收利用进行专项立法。
- To protect the Proprietary in cyberspace, We must strengthen the technological legislation and the special legislation of network criminal law , and provide strong support and assurance for the security of the network system. 对网络空间中的财产权进行刑法保护,必须加强网络刑法的技术立法和单行立法,并对计算机网络安全体制提供有力支持和保障。
- A Study of Computer Software Special Legislation 对计算机软件单独立法的思考
- A special legislative assistant rides herd on the bills the President is anxious to have Congress pass. 一个特别议会助理负责敦促国会通过那些总统急于通过的方案。
- The chairman of the special legislative assembly, Subash Nemwang, announced the results. 尼泊尔制宪会议议长苏巴什.;内姆旺宣布了选举结果。
- However, as a political subdivision becomes more complex, governing bodies often insert specialized legislation into the civil tax code to encourage or discourage certain behavioral or economic activity. 然而,随着政府部门变得越来越庞杂,管理机构也将特别立法加入税收民事法律规范之中以鼓励或抑制某些行为或经济活动。
- Discussion on Improving Tourism Special Legislation in China 论我国旅游业专项立法的完善
- This kind of medicine is special for gripes. 这种药专治肚子痛。
- Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。
- The chiffonier in that shop looks special. 那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。
- The medicine has a special bitterness. 这种药有一种特殊的苦味。
- I came at your (special) request. 我是(特别)应你要求而来的。
- As one important research technique, we may unify this both, utilizes the game theory method in the legal discipline research, specially legislates in the work. 作为一种重要的研究方法,我们可以把这两者结合起来,把博弈论的方法运用于法律学科的研究中,特别是立法工作中。
- These rare tigers are protected by special laws. 这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。
- I buy some special fast film for my new camera. 我为新相机买了些特快胶卷。
- I have a special liking for golf. 我特别喜欢高尔夫球运动。