- Spatial spillover effect 空间溢出效应
- These people are subjected to a spillover effect. 他们是指那些会受”溢出效应“影响的购物者。
- Numbered studies about the effect of FDI on energy intensity focus on temporal but no spatial which can't show FDI's character of spillover effect. 现有有限的关于FDI影响能源强度的研究均从时间维度进行,忽略了FDI的空间外溢效应。本文利用空间自相关方法论证了FDI的空间特性。
- Spatial spillover effects 空间溢出效应
- Due to significant spatial externality of knowledge, innovative activities of the firms near the knowledge creator may be enhanced by knowledge spillover effects. 摘要由于知识在空间上存在正外部性,使接近知识生产者的地区或厂商能因知识外溢效果而促进创新活动;
- The results show that there is a significant "Tobin Effect" and "Spillover Effect" from inflation rate on economic growth rate. 检验结果表明我国经济这行中存在显著的“托宾效应”和通货膨胀率对经济增长率的波动“溢出效应”。
- At last, it calculates and analyzes the inter-industry R&D spillover effect of 2002 in the landscape orientation. 然后对我国2002年产业间的R&D溢出效应进行了计算和分析。
- There has been controversy all the time as to whether FDI has positive technological spillover effect or not. 摘要外商直接投资(下文简称为FDI)是否具有正的技术外溢效应一直存有争议。
- Based on quantile regression, this paper reexamines the spillover effect of FDI in China% industry sector. 摘要本文使用分位数回归法重新审视了外资对中国工业部门的技术溢出。
- The results show that the conditions of the host city have a strong impact on the spillover effect. 因此,外资政策的制定不应该一味强调引入外资的数量,重点应在于其对国内企业的技术外溢效应。
- Spillover effect, impact; spinoff effect An effect that occurs when an economic unit not directly involved benefits from a transaction, project, etc. 外溢效应、影响;连带效应与一笔交易或项目等没有直接关系的经济单位从该交易或项目中受益时所产生的效应。
- Spinoff effect; spillover effect, impact An effect that occurs when an economic unit not directly involved benefits from a transaction, project, etc. 连带效应;外溢效应与一笔交易或一个项目等没有直接关系的经济单位从该笔交易或项目中受益时所产生的效应。
- The empirical study proves that there is a positive technology spillover effect in the process of introducing FDI in China. 经验研究证实,中国在引进外资过程中的确获取了正的技术外溢效应。
- The results do not show a significant positive spillover effect of FDI in China, while the important role of human capital is supported by the results. 结果表明,缺乏经验证据支持FDI的正向技术外溢效应,但发现人力资本有利于促进FDI技术外溢效应作用的发挥。
- It turns out that the spillover effect does exist interactively with the rapid inflow of foreign direct investment thoughit is not quite obvious. 其结果显示,沈阳市装备制造业利用外资在整体上产生了溢出效应,但是溢出效应并不十分明显;
- Industry cluster can effectively realize scale economic benefit, moreover it can drive the area economic development by strong Spillover Effect. 摘要产业集聚能充分实现规模经济效益,并能以强大的溢出效应带动整个区域的发展。
- "Spillover effects," or side effects, are the impacts on the activities of others of actions taken by us. 额外影响或附带影响系指我们的行为对他人所采取活动的影响。
- These new growth poles will generate positive spillover effects on the Bohai Rim Region and Western China. 这些新的区域增长极,将对渤海湾地区和西部地区产生正面的溢出效应。
- These three stock markets also have no obvious return spillover effects during our sample periods. 不论在日股最低点前后,三国股市间均无显著的报酬传导效果。
- The volatility transmission in different markets is called“volatility spillover effects”. 这种波动在不同市场之间的传递即为“波动溢出效应”。