- A Spam Worm Propagation Model in Scale-free Networks 一种无尺度网络上垃圾邮件蠕虫的传播模型
- There are a lot of worms in the soil. 泥土中有许多蠕虫。
- How can I worm out of giving that report? 我怎么逃脱不做那个报告呢?
- Earth worms are often used as bait. 蚯蚓常用作鱼饵。
- I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly. 我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。
- All the apples had worms in them. 这些苹果里都有蛀虫。
- The boy had worms, but he is fine now. 这男孩曾患寄生虫病,但现在好了。
- Molluscs, insects and worms are all invertebrates. 软体动物、 昆虫、 蠕虫都是无脊椎动物。
- Worms are very simple creatures. 蠕虫是很简单的生物。
- Spam worms 垃圾邮件蠕虫
- As the saying goes the early bird catches the worm. 谚语说,早起的鸟有食吃。
- The vet prescribed a medicine to worm my puppy. 兽医开了一种药驱除我那小狗体内的寄生虫。
- Even a worm will turn. You had better give her a way out. 弱者被逼太甚,也会进行抗争,你最好还是给她一条出路。
- He can't worm out of this situation. 他没有办法解决这个问题
- A leech is a small blood-sucking worm and usually lives in water. 水蛭是一种小型吸血虫,通常生活在水中。
- Do NOT simply hightlight the spam and delete it . 不要简单的标出垃圾内容并且删除之。
- The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。(捷足先登。)
- Street spam is seen everywhere in this city. 这座城市到处都是张贴在外的广告。
- Use &"filters&" to help control spam. 请使用“过滤器”以此来控制垃圾邮件。
- If not, it may be considered spam. 如果不是,它可能被视为垃圾邮件。