- Spaeial Presentation Form 空间形式
- He would not be elected on present form. 鉴於他的现时表现,他不可能当选。
- He acquired a property on present form. 基于他先前的行为, 他得到一笔财产。
- The law,in its present form,is unjust; it needs modification. 现行的法律是不公正的;它需要修改。
- Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. 取消现在这种形式的儿童的工厂劳动。
- The law, in its present form, is unjust;it needs modification. 现行的法律是不公正的;它需要修改。
- Everyone got a present form the Santa Clause on the Christmas Eve. 圣诞前夜,我们每个人都从圣诞老人那儿得到了一份礼物。
- The law, in its present form, is unjust; it needs modification. 现行的法律是不公正的; 它需要修改。
- It is understood that the present form of a three-cloakroom. 据了解,时下的步入式衣帽间有三种形式。
- On present form, can the Chicago Cubs ever win the World Series? 基于之前的表现,芝加哥小熊队能赢得世界大赛吗?
- The kimono assumed its present form during the Edo period (1603-1867). 假设目前形式的和服在江户时期(1603至1867年).
- "Jinxing" is the same as "Tiwu" and "Chenghua" in presentation form. “尽性”与“体物”、“成化”是同一呈现方式。
- Please complete present form with all details and duly signed. Thank you! 请填写完毕后签字回传,谢谢!
- For giving the songs their present form I am grateful to Mr.John Moffitt, Jr. 为了对他们的歌颂表示感激,我感谢小约翰莫夫特先生。
- However, the CFSP at its present form is far from a real common policy. 但它还远没有成为真正意义上的共同政策。
- Property, in its present form, is based on the antagonism of capital and wage-labour. 现今的这种财产是在资本和雇佣劳动的对立中运动的。
- The present form of power systems would be impossible without alternating current. 若没有交流电也就不可能有目前形式的电力系统。
- Property,in its present form,is based on the antagonism of capital and wage-labour. 现今的这种财产是在资本和雇佣劳动的对立中运动的。
- In its present form, JAX-RPC does not help, but as this tip demonstrates you can work around those limitations. 就JAX-RPC的目前形式而言,它还无能为力,不过就像这篇技巧所说明的那样,您可以绕过这一限制。
- Modern genetic mechanisms, including informational macromolecules have not always existed in their present form. 目前的信息大分子为中心的遗传机制,从历史的观点看不大可能一开始便以现存的形式见诸于世。