- Spade end fitting with hook 铲型连接钩头
- Keeps fit with diet and exercise. 通过节食和运动来保持健康
- It is provided with a compression or PEX end fitting to provide a secure method of connecting a discharge line. 配置一个压缩连接或倒钩连接端口,确保与排泄管道的连接牢靠安全。
- Herbert almost went into a fit with joy. 赫伯特高兴得简直要发疯。
- Two large pockets close with hook and loop fastener. 两个大的口袋接受钩扣和环紧固件。
- It doesn't fit with our corporate culture. 因为那不符合我们的公司文化。
- I keep fit with diet and exercise. 我是通过节食和运动来保持健康。
- Dose it fit with your schedule to take a row? 划船符合你的日程安排吗?
- Bell pulls were traditionally finished with brass end fittings. 铃索传统上由黄铜配件做成。
- The shop-front is fitted with rolling shutters. 那商店的店面装有卷动门帘。
- The concept is an unlikely fit with fast food. “风水”理念与快餐似乎风马牛不相及。
- Better fit with Internet/Intranet architectures. 更好适应internet/Intranet体系结构。
- How's that fit with disproving miracles? |这怎么能跟否定奇迹对上勾?
- Her dress fastens with hooks and eyes. 她的衣服用钮钩和钮环扣住。
- The best clothing is loose fitting with a close weave. 最好的衣服是紧密编织的宽松式服装。
- One rubber stopper whose large end fits snugly into the pipe. 一橡胶塞子,其大底适合snugly进入管道。
- Most car doors are now fitted with child-proof locks. 汽车门现在大都装有预防儿童开启的锁。
- KST BRAKE FITTING: thousands of end fittings for different brake hose assembly. kst制动装置:千完配件的不同制动软管大会。
- Usage: suitable for automatic wire winding of even number slot motor with hook commutator rotor. 用途:适用于偶数槽电机带钩换向器转子的自动绕线。
- Her dress was fastened with hooks and eyes. 她的衣服用钩扣扣着。