- Space servicing architecture 空间服务体系
- A logical view of the Web services architecture is shown in. 展示了Web服务体系结构的一个逻辑视图。
- What is the best service architecture to deploy broadband recreational services? 成功部署宽带娱乐服务的最优业务架构是什么?
- Its prototype system has been developed as well. First, we penetrated into the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA). 首先,研究了开放网格体系结构OGSA (Open Grid Service Architecture)。
- Service architecture is widely considered as a key enabler for future software systems. 服务架构普遍被认为是未来软件系统的关键。
- Other types of applications supported by team space services include HTML-enabled Domino applications and custom-built applications. 团对空间支持的其他类型应用程序包括支持HTML的Domino应用程序定制应用程序。
- In this view of the Web services architecture, the service registry provides a centralized location for storing service descriptions. Web服务体系结构视图中,服务注册中心提供一个集中位置来存储服务描述。
- XML serialization is the underlying transport mechanism used in the XML Web services architecture, performed by the XmlSerializer class. XML序列化是XML Web服务结构中使用的基础传输机制,它由XmlSerializer类执行。
- The Integration Services architecture supports the nesting of containers, and a control flow can include multiple levels of nested containers. Integration Services体系结构支持容器的嵌套,且一个控制流可以包含多级嵌套容器。
- Chen A G,Li X F.Thinking in services architecture for NGI[J].Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,2004,27(Sup): 118-124. [1]陈爱国;李晓峰.;下一代互联网业务体系的思考[J]
- Based on the analysis of the traditonal plat Web Services architecture which is put forward by W3C, the paper analyses Web Services architecture vertically. 本论文通过对W3C的传统平面Web Services体系结构的分析,从纵向角度提出WebServices的体系结构关系。
- Protecting the security and privacy of information exchanged is absolutely critical to the success of the Web services architecture in the enterprise environment. 在企业环境中,保护进行交换的信息的安全性和保密性对于Web服务架构的成功来说是绝对关键的。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- Admittedly, there are cultural differences between the idea of extreme programming and the controlled establishment of an enterprise-wide service architecture. 不可否认,极限编程的想法和以可控的方式建立企业级服务体系结构之间存在着文化差异。
- By allowing legacy applications to be wrapped in a WSDL and exposed as services, the Web Services architecture easily enables new interoperability between these applications. 透过将旧有应用程式用WSDL包装,并以服务形式出现,Web Services结构可以轻松实现这些应用程式之间新的协同性。
- The authors also describe how to publish a service domain to a public registry such as a UDDI registry or an Open Grid Services Architecture OGSA compliant registry. 同时,作者还描述了如何为公共注册机构,如UDDI注册机构和OGSA兼容注册机构注册服务域。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- We're a bit cramped for space in this attic. 在这间阁楼里我们有点活动不开。
- OGSA(Open Grid Services Architecture) that is called the next generation Grid architecture is a distributed architecture frame on the base of Grid Service. 开放网格服务体系结构(OGSA,Open Grid Services Architecture)被称为下一代网格体系结构,是基于网格服务的分布式体系架构。
- There isn't much space left for your luggage. 剩下的地方不太够你放行李的。