- We got a fix on the missile launching site. 我们确定了导弹发射场的位置。
- It reduces would use one of several dependable military rockets to lauch launch a smalloneman's space craft, one-man spacecraft. 这个项目就是用很多个可靠的军用火箭中的一枚来发射一艘小型的单人宇宙飞船。
- A launch site for spacecraft in the Soviet Union. 苏联航天中心苏联宇宙飞船发射场
- Manned the first airships are "east" space craft 1 in the world. 世界上第一艘载人飞船是“东方”1号宇宙飞船。
- Not long ago, the construction of China's first low-latitude space launch site -- Hainan Spaceport -- was started. 前不久,中国首个低纬度发射场--海南航天发射场破土动工。
- "General and the spaceport, manned space launch site also has many special requirements. “和一般航天发射场相比,载人航天发射场又具有许多特殊要求。”
- On that day, Russia's "Dawn" function as an international cargo space station's first component, from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan launch site. 那天,俄罗斯“曙光”号功能货舱作为国际空间站的第一个组件,在哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔航天发射场升空。
- The new base wvl include a command center, a rocket launch site, a rocket assembly plant and a 7-billion-yuan ($985m) space theme park. 新的发射中心包括指挥中心、火箭发射台、火箭组装中心和投资70亿人民币的主题公园。
- Some people say they want to Jiuquan - known as the capital of China's space - soon after Cape Canaveral and the United States and Kazakhstan's Baikonur launch site par satellite. 一些人说,他们希望酒泉--被称为中国的航天首都--不久后可与美国的卡纳维拉尔角和哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔人造卫星发射基地齐名。
- "Anti-irradiation Cover Glass for Astrospace" is a protection material for silicon solar battery on Space Craft. 空间用抗辐照玻璃盖片是一种用于太空飞行器上硅太阳能电池表面的防护材料。
- CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida,Aug 25 (Reuters) - NASA delayed a Tuesday morning liftoff of the space shuttle Discovery by a day because of stormy weather at the Florida launch site. 路透社佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心8月25日美国航天局推迟了发现号航天飞机今天上午发射,因为在佛罗里达州的发射场当天有暴风雨的天气。
- In Future, World fulls of danger. Luckily you armed with space craft to wipe out enemies. 未来;世界充满了危险.;你驾驶宇宙飞船去扫灭敌人,为了自己的生存!
- Then, on the space craft, distance of one agnogenio in 12 minitype booster rockets is on fire. 接着,宇宙飞船上12只小型助推火箭中的一只原因不明地起火。
- The launch site was De Bilt, a town in the centre ofthe Netherlands. 该发射场是比尔特德镇中心的荷兰。
- The aim of the game is focused around flying a small space craft around the map, shooting at anything on screen. 游戏的目的是看准周围在地图上飞行的小型飞行器,射击屏幕上出现的任何东西。
- Rain and lightning moved over the seaside launch site late on Monday. 星期一迟些,雷雨交加在海岸边发射地点移动着。
- Dark Age knights comandeer a space craft and conquer the galaxy,converting aliens to Christianity along the way. 黑暗时代的骑士驾驶一艘宇宙飞船征服银河,一路上将外星人教化成基督徒。
- The High Crusade. Poul Anderson. Dark Age knights comandeer a space craft and conquer the galaxy, converting aliens to Christianity along the way. 黑暗时代的骑士驾驶一艘宇宙飞船征服银河,一路上将外星人教化成基督徒。
- An image taken by the Cassini space craft on July 3,2004 and received on Earth on the same day shows the planet Saturn casting a shadow over its rings. 在这张“卡西尼”号飞船7月3日拍摄并于当天传回地球的照片上,土星在它自身光环上投下了一块阴影。
- A missile rises from its launching site, then shrieks through and beyond the atmosphere at an unbelievable speed. 导弹从它的发射场升起,然后以难于置信的高速呼啸着穿过并超越大气层。