- Soviet science golden era 苏联科学黄金时期
- In intention of a joyous birth of a new golden era ahead through ascension! 透过提升,让我们意愿前方一个崭新黄金时代的欢乐诞生!
- Info:Metal buckle belts will take you back to the golden era of 60's and give you a perfect retr ...... 主要材质:真皮次要材质:金属扣合方式:板扣腰带扣材质:铜
- "That's why we don't indulge in nostalgia for the golden era of dubbing, which is long gone. “这就是为何我们不去沈迷留恋那个已经逝去的配音黄金年代。
- The elections promise to be the most hotly contested during the Kurds' current golden era of autonomy. 大选承诺将以最高程度切合库尔德人当前的黄金自治盛世。
- An article called Hollywood UK "GQ celebrates a new golden era for British film talent in Hollywood". 一篇题为<英国好莱屋>的文章中,GQ称赞英国电影天才迎来的一个新的好莱屋黄金时代.
- The first 50 years of the “cigarette century” were a golden era for Big Tobacco. 对于大型烟草商而言,“香烟世纪”的前50年是一个黄金时代。
- Earth perceives that humans are on tract to meet this goal by 2025, after which the golden era will be entered. 地球觉察到,人类到2025年为止将一直向该目标行进并到达,此后就将进入黄金时代。
- How many bottoms must these stone benches have rested then,yet now they're just a memory of another golden era from other days,other times. 不知道有多少人曾在这些长石椅上歇脚,现在它们却只能让人们缅怀以前的那段光辉岁月。
- The competition to build last ships is becoming reminiscent of the golden era of ocean travel in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 快船制造竞赛正在成为对19世纪末20世纪初航海业黄金时代的缅怀。
- Arsenio was the trainer of the squad during the first golden era, the one of Superdepor and the first Copa del Rey title. 阿塞尼奥是拉科的第一个黄金年代,“超级拉科”时期的主教练,并率队获得球队历史上第一个国王杯冠军。
- Yue gardens turn this dream, the golden era of the suction powder, the ages of the family is not cold blood, Xianyang children is tough! 怡梦园里翻过本,金色时代吸过粉,千秋家国血未冷,咸阳儿女就是狠!
- Therefore all human consciousness shall live to see that birthing of a new tomorrow, and the golden era of ascension ahead. 因此,所有的人类意识都将活着来见证新明日、升之黄金时代在前方的诞生。
- This is coming, just as the era of awakening and the golden era ahead, and we can see it stepping down the dimensions towards physicality. 这正在来临,正像觉醒时代和前方的黄金纪元,而我们能看到它正朝着物质层沿维度下来。
- Pollock, Ethan Stalin and the Soviet Science Wars -- New title 斯大林与苏联科学战争
- And to sum up the event, president di Montezemolo had one message for the cheering crowd: "A golden era ends, now a new one starts. The objectives are clear. 最后,仪式结束时,蒙特泽莫罗对兴高采烈的人们说:“一个黄金时代结束了,但是现在一个新的黄金时代又开始了。我们的目标始终都是清晰的。
- The discovery of DNA double helix structure in 1953 means the life sciences' golden time's coming. 摘要1953年,DNA双螺旋结构的发现标志着生命科学黄金时代的到来。
- As the last human ascends into the new astrology and holograms, the old holographic planes shall be dismantled in full, birthing the golden era for mankind ahead. 当最后一名人类提升到新的星象与全息图中时,旧的全息各层将被完全撤离,从而为前方人类诞生黄金纪元。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- If this were to occur, the potential dream of mass starvation would fade into a new dream of just enough for each that lives to witness the coming golden era ahead. 如果这将发生,潜在的严重饥饿之梦想将消失,并转变为每一位都拥有正好足够的资源之新梦想,而且活着见证前方即将来临的金色时代。