- Southern margin of Ahaid 阿尔泰南缘
- An analysis of piedmont structures and ground stress field in southern margin of Junggar basin is made in this paper. 通过对准噶尔盆地南缘山前构造与地应力场分析,认为构造复杂、目的层深、地应力作用强烈是制约勘探进程的主要因素。
- Basin, the southern margin of alluvial plains vast agricultural areas of the new Ken. 盆地南缘冲积扇平原广阔,是新垦农业区。
- The formational mechanism of the interlayer oxidation zone at the southern margin of the Basin is dedu... 对盆地南缘层间氧化带形成机制进行推论,并据此作出了远景评价。
- Buya Basin is a favourable ore-formation zone located on the southern margin of Tarim Basin. 布雅盆地是塔里木盆地南缘有利的铀成矿地段。
- Elasticity model explained sedimentation mechanism from the Trias in the southern margin of Junggar foreland basin. 第三排构造形成于更新世末,变形方式自南向北从叠瓦状逆冲向滑脱挤压过渡。
- The southern margin of the Junggar Basin-Turpan-Hami area was uplifted to become land. 中二叠世:早二叠世的古陆依然存在,但华北北部古陆范围明显缩小,而准噶尔南缘-吐哈地区已上升成为陆地;
- Keywords Southern margin of Taklamakan Desert;Oases ecosystem;Sustainable management;Optimal model. 塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘;绿洲生态系统;持续发展;优化模式;
- The forearc deposition system at the southern margin of North Qinling indirectly recorded this evolution of subduction. 北秦岭南缘的弧前沈积体系记录了这种俯冲作用的演化。
- Altun Tagh fault, The Hetian area on the southern margin of the Tarim Basin rotated clockwise by about20° before the Neogene. 但塔里木盆地南缘和田地区发生了20°左右的顺时针转动。
- Abstract: An analysis of piedmont structures and ground stress field in southern margin of Junggar basin is made in this paper. 文摘:通过对准噶尔盆地南缘山前构造与地应力场分析,认为构造复杂、目的层深、地应力作用强烈是制约勘探进程的主要因素。
- Sr-Nd-Pb isotope geochemistry and tectonic setting of Devonian polymetallic metallogenic belt on the Southern margin of Altaid,Xingjing. 新疆阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪多金属成矿带Sr-Nd-Pb同位素地球化学与构造背景探讨
- The Kalaxianger porphyry copper deposit(belt)is located in a Late Paleozoic island arc on the southern margin of the Altay Mountains. 卡拉先格尔斑岩铜矿(带)位于阿尔泰东南缘晚古生代岛弧区,含矿斑岩主要为一套中-晚海西期的中酸性斑岩,围岩为中泥盆统北塔山组。
- There are large areal clastic reservoirs in the Permian,Triassic and Jurassic in eastern part of southern margin of Junggar basin. 准噶尔盆地南缘东段二叠系、三叠系以及侏罗系大面积分布碎屑岩储集层,其沉积环境多变,非均质性明显。
- Taiping Ferry Museum is located in Taiping Town, the southern margin of Sichuan Basin and the north bank of the upper reaches of the Chishui River. 中国工农红军长征四渡赤水太平渡陈列馆位于四川省盆周南缘、赤水河上游北岸的古蔺县太平镇。
- These siliciclastic rocks were derived mainly from the Archean and minor from Paleoproterozoic in the southern margin of the North China craton. 源岩以太古宙地层为主,可能有古元古代地层的加入,经历了中等程度的风化作用,并快速堆积形成的。
- The authors describe the geometry and deformation features of the Machaoying fault zone in the Huaxiong terrane,southern margin of North China Craton. 对华熊地块南部的马超营断裂带的几何样式、组成特征及其变形特点等研究结果表明,马超营断裂带经历了韧性变形和脆性变形期。
- The Kanggul gold deposit is situated in the southern margin of the Kanggultage ductile shear zone and controlled by the brittle ductile shear belt. 康古尔金矿床位于东天山康古尔塔格韧性剪切带的南缘过渡带,矿床受脆-韧性剪切带控制。
- This price will allow a good margin of profit. 这一价格可获厚利。