- Precordillera thrust belt (PTB) in Southern Tianshan Mountain (STM) of Tarim Basin is separated into segments in West-East direction and into belts in South-North direction. 摘要塔里木盆地南天山山前冲断带东西分段、南北分带。
- the western part of southern Tianshan mountain 南天山西段
- The cretaceous Kuqa depression is a foreland basin generated by flexural subsidence resulting from the southward thrusting of the southern Tianshan Mountains. 摘要白垩系库车坳陷是在南天山强烈逆冲导致的挠曲沉降背景下发育的前陆盆地。
- the southern Tianshan Mountains: Keksal Mountain, Halkta Mountain, Kektek Mountain and Hola Mountain; 中天山由乌孙山、那拉提山和额尔宾山组成;
- Southern Tianshan Mountain 南天山
- Tarim Basin or Tianshan mountain. 塔里木盆地北边的山,还是天山。
- It demonstrate that the southern tianshan ocean is very widest then. 说明当时的古南天山洋已拉张到相当规模。
- All the raw materials of our products are from the Southern face of Tianshan Mountain, Tanggula Grand Prairie and Wulong Mountain Range where no pollution of any kind exists. 们的产品来自没有污染的天山南麓,唐布拉大草原和乌孙山脉。
- There is good relation between the increasing region of seismic belt of southern and northern Tianshan mountain and the epicenters of sequent mainshocks. 南北天山地震带增强区与后续主震震中相关性较好;
- Southern Tianshan Mountains 南天山
- This river heads up in the Tianshan Mountains. 这条河发源于天山山脉。
- An Application of the Grey Relative Analysis to the Evaluation of Grassland Quality of North Part of Tianshan Mountain. 新型灰色关联度分析法在天山北坡天然草地类型质量评价中的应用。
- Hali Porter 6 Tianshan Mountains movie theatre ticket price number? 您的位置:我的知道>娱乐休闲>电影>哈利波特6天山电影院票价多少?
- Tian Zuoji. 1995. Structural Styles and Petroleum Prospecting of Southern Tianshan Orogenic Belt and Northern Tarim Foreland Basin. Chengdu: Chengdu University of Science and Technology Press. 田作基.;1995
- The tectonic motion is very intense in front belt of north Tianshan mountain, drape fault and so on very develop, and there occurred many times destruct earthquakes. 摘要北天山山前地带是构造运动十分强烈的地区,褶皱断裂等构造现象十分发育,这里曾发生过多次中强破坏性地震。
- Yanqi basin, with an area of 13000 squre kilometer, located in the Bayinguoleng Mongolia autonomy state in Xinjiang, is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic superposed basin superimposed in the Southern Tianshan Hercynian erogenic belts. 焉耆盆地位于新疆维吾尔自治区巴音郭楞蒙古自治州境内,是一个上叠在海西期南天山造山带之上的中新生代叠合盆地,面积1.;3×10~4km~2。
- A river in TianShan mountain range. (Photo level automatically adjusted in photoshop. 天山山脉中的一条河。这才叫蜿蜒曲折。
- GUAN Shu-wei.2004.Geometric and kinematic analysis of late Cenozoic fold-thrust belt in Kuqa and Kashi areas,southern Tianshan[D].Ph D thesis.Zhejiang University,Hangzhou(in Chinese). 管树巍.;2004
- On the halfway up the Tianshan Mountain, there is a smaller lake which is also verdurous and pretty. 我那马大哈的秉性在这点上当然也帮不上什么忙了,任伊姗姗而来翩翩而去,完全没想到应该问问清楚,以便提前做好准备。
- Wunan gold deposit is located in the active zone of northern margin of Tarimu plate, which concretely exist in the structure unit of triphibian edge in the late Paleozoic in southern Tianshan. 梧南金矿床位于塔里木陆块北缘活动带,属南天山晚古生代陆缘构造单元。