- Song supersede between Chu regime set up is for gold and south Song , it has very good buffer role. 两宋交替之间楚政权的成立对金和南宋来说,都具有很好的缓冲作用。
- Jiang Kui, a famous litterateur in South Song Dynasty who was accomplished in Ci. 摘要南宋文学家姜夔擅长诗词,诗风清妙秀远,时有名句佳作。
- Xixuejiyanxumu, which was written by Ye Shi, was an important academic work in the South Song Dynasty. 叶适《习学记言序目》是南宋时期重要的思想学术史著作。
- Longyan, a significant southern strategic post, born long-lasting solicitude from the South Song authorities. 作为南宋政权的南部军事重镇,龙岩城从修筑到最后被蒙军攻破始终受到当时国家政权的高度关注。
- The style of Cifu in South Song dynasty had displayed subtlety and fineness in feeling, taste of senses and freshness of skill conception. 南宋辞赋创作风格上多表现为情感的细腻、深婉,理趣的悠长以及构思的新颖奇巧。
- Content:During the South Song Dynasty, the antithetic verse resumed booming, while the ancient style prose declined comparatively. 南宋时期,古文相对衰落,骈文相对崛起。
- In the later stage of the war, the loss of the advantage on water is also one of the direct causes of the perdition of South Song Dynasty. 应当说,南宋水军对于抵御蒙元入侵,发挥了极为重要的作用,它在当时的南宋国防中有着特殊的战略地位。
- Court-Cap-Ear Censer, also called Judge-Ear Censer , is the copy of a censer made by Madame Jiang of the South Song Dynasty. 又称为“判官耳炉”,仿自南宋姜娘子制器的款式。
- This is the poem of praising Shangrao written by the South Song Dynasty patriotic poet Xin Qiji, is intoxicated in reading it. 这是南宋爱国词人辛弃疾赞美上饶的诗句,读来令人陶醉。
- The situation of Zhao Mengpo, a descendant of South Song dynasty, gave a representative example of archon of either Yuan guarding against or regarding Han culture. 南宋皇室后裔赵孟頫在元初的状况很典型的反映了元朝统治者对汉人在政治上的提防和文化上的重视。
- Ning Emperor of South Song Dynasty intensifies the military system by the Civil's governing the Military after Wu, Shi's (from Shuu-Chuan) rebellion to Jin Dynasty . 而另一层面的隐忧也跟著浮现,文臣拥有重兵,对于皇权的威胁,皆埋下南宋走向败亡的成因。
- YueFei, a patriotic general in South Song dynasty, is famous for his loyalty and devotion towards his country.He is strict with his subordinates in the army, which can proved by an andecdote. 岳飞是南宋的爱国将领,精忠报国,名垂青史。他治军严明,有一个小故事可以佐证。
- Cifu in South Song dynasty was affected firstly by the psychology of interversion, secondly by Buddism, Taoism and Confusian school of idealist philosophy of that time, thirdly by the choice of the theme and artistic conception. 具体表现为:沉潜内敛心理特征的影响;释、道、理学思想的影响;题材的选择、构思方面的影响。
- During the South Song Dynasty period, the consumption of army provisions was large on the northwest battlefront because the quantity of troops was large, the number of soldiers and officials exceed need actually, army provisions destroyed by battle, etc. 摘要南宋西北战区由于驻军数量大、军队中以虚籍充数冒领军粮、战争破坏严重等,导致军粮消耗数重巨大。
- By correcting the uncultured style and keeping true qualities of lyrics, Zhou"s innovation improved the status of lyrics and prepared for the Refinement Movement in the south Song Dynasty. 这种革新保持了词的本色并在一定程度上提高了词的地位,纠正了北宋中后期文人俗词的粗疏之风,为南宋初声势浩大的宋词复雅运动开了先河。
- Afterwards, the writing technique of the antithetic verse of other writers was affected more or less by Wang Zao and made no more breakthrough till the end of the South Song Dynasty. 后来,南宋的骈文创作或多或少都受他的影响,且在艺术上再也没有更大的突破。
- He died in a shipwreck off the south coast. 他在南部海岸一带的海难中死亡。
- The capital is in the extreme south of the country. 首都在这个国家的最南端。
- Impact of Time Spirit on South Song's Bold Word 时代精神对南宋豪放词形成的影响
- The robbers jumped bail and fled to South America. 这批盗贼被保释后不期出庭接受审判,却逃到南美洲去了。