- DOWELL bases on Central China area and covering East China, North China, South China and the main area of Southwest. 杜为尔立足于华中地区,业务逐渐辐射华东、华南、西南主要区域。
- The environmental style of the restaurant is rich and ancient that has depicted a unique characteristic of the folk custom in the South China area. 美食的浓香与古色古香的餐厅环境风格,写意出张生记独具特色的江南民俗风情。
- That serves the groundnut productions of Guangdong Province and even south China area, making enomous profit to the agricultural industry. 目前,在分子生物学技术和基因组方面也取得一定进展。
- Museum of History features natural and social environment, the archaeology and anthropology, history and culture of HK and the South China area. 评价:比东方明珠下面那个上海历史博物馆更有趣,如果想身临其境地了解香港的历史,一定不虚此行哦!
- Monoterpenoid,which is a basic fragment of cembranolide,was synthesized startingfrom guraniol,geranial and linalool specially produced in south China area. 报道以香叶醇、香叶醛和芳樟醇为原料,合成具有西松烷型二萜内酯单萜片段的系列化合物。
- In this study,the seedreserving techniques for the heat-resistant Chinese cabbage in South China area were explored by using low-temperature storage,splitting cuttage,heeling in high-altitude area. 采用低温冷藏、分身扦插、高海拔山区假植等方法探讨适宜南方耐热大白菜的留种技术。
- South China Area Marketing Manager 华南大区市场经理
- I fell in upon an old friend on my journey to South China. 我在去华南旅行的途中意外地遇到了一位老朋友。
- To join in Ju Long Optoelectronics and support the market of South China area, as well as the North China area 加盟聚龙光电,支持华南市场,南北呼应
- This is temporary China Area Portal! 这是短期中国区网络!
- Synthetic Analysis of Large Scale Rainstorm in Pre-flood Period in South China Area 华南前汛期大范围暴雨的合成分析
- Welcome to South China Seafood Restaurant. 欢迎光临华南海鲜酒家。
- Gaoliang is grown in both north and south China. 我国北方和南方都有种植高梁的。
- Summer in south China is hot and humid. 中国南部的夏天闷热潮湿。
- I brought back some fruit from South China. 我从华南带回一些水果。
- A timely snow fell all over the north China area yesterday. 昨日华北普降瑞雪。
- It is grown in both north and south China. 这类植物在华南和华北都种植。
- Most of South China will be cold and wet. 华南的大部分地区将寒冷潮湿。
- There is a lot of rainfall in South China. 中国南方雨水很多。
- It is very warm and wet in South China these days. 中国南方现在的天气是非常潮湿闷热的。