- Pan African Press Agency 泛非新闻社
- A Dutch and South African unit of land area equal to 2.1 acres. 摩肯荷兰和南非使用的土地面积单位,相当于2.;1英亩。
- South African Press Association 南非新闻联合社
- South African tree or shrub having a rounded crown. 南非灌木,圆形树冠。
- White's South African Portland Cement Company, Ltd. 怀特南非波特兰水泥有限公司
- South African won over Algeria 2-1. 南非队2:l击败阿尔及利亚队。
- In Venice we met a South African couple. 我们在维纳斯见到一对南非夫妇。
- South African monkey with black face and hands. 非洲南部黑脸黑手的猴子。
- Maddy: Says the white South African? 南非白人有资格这么说?
- South African shrub grown for its profusion of white flowers. 南非的灌木,由于其丰富的白花而被种植。
- South African gazelle noted for springing lightly into the air. 非洲南部的羚羊,以其弹跳轻盈闻名。
- The UN refugee agency is urging South African authorities to suspend deportation of Zimbabweans and to allow them to regularize their stay in South Africa. 联合国难民事务高级专员公署敦促南非当局停止驱逐津巴布韦人,并允许他们合法居住在南非。
- According to Poland Press Agency, Nastase came to Poland on the 4th for a one-day official visit. 据波通社报道,讷斯塔塞4日对波兰进行为期一天的正式访问。
- South African herbs or subshrubs with usually yellow flowers. 南非草本或灌木植物的一个属,常开黄花。
- Tall large-horned humped south African cattle for meat or draft. 高大无角有肉峰的南非牛,咳肉用或驮用。
- We distance ourselves from the project title - it was done by our press agency which obviously mistranslated our German project name into English. 我们远离该项目冠军-这是由我们的新闻机构显然误我们德国项目名称译成英文。
- Genus of South African or Asiatic herbs: African daisies. 南非或亚洲一个草本属;非洲雏菊。
- Hartley, contesting the Formula Renault 3.5 series as well as Euro F3, told the New Zealand press agency NZPA that his calendar had become too busy. 哈特利,争夺雷诺方程式3.;5系列以及欧洲F3的,告诉新西兰新闻社NZPA,他的日历已成为太忙
- South African) a camp defended by a circular formation of wagons. (南非)用四轮马车的圆形编队来保卫的一个营地。
- A South African zoo wants a chimpanzee to quit smoking cold turkey. 南非一家动物园要一只黑猩猩立即戒菸。