- Sou Shen Hou Ji 搜神后记
- Sou Shen Ji is a weird fiction written by Gan Bao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and is of great value for the studies of Chinese vocabulary. 搜神记》是东晋干宝撰写的一部志怪小说,对汉语词汇的研究具有重要价值。
- This article has widely collected examples to examine and interpret the nine appellation words in Sou Shen Ji, in the meantime, revised the errors concerned in some huge lexicons and proof-reading notes to some ancient books. 本文广泛搜集语例,对该书中的九个称谓词语加以考释,同时修正了大型辞书和古籍校注中与此相关的失误。
- West wall painted Yu,hou ji , Boyi, burning, hunting, logging, religious and agricultural production activities. 西壁绘大禹、后稷、伯益,烧荒、狩猎、伐木、祭祀以及农业生产活动等。
- After they go back to the motherland, before just knowing Hou Ji of article of the Kingdom of Wei to send envoy respectively, come mediatory, advisory both sides appeases flames of war. 当他们回国后,才知道魏文侯己分别派使者前来调停,劝告双方平息战火。
- Guo ji huo bi ji jin zu zhi shi shen me? / [bian ji Jeremy Clift]. 国际货币基金组织是什么?: 基金组织简介/ [编辑Jeremy Clift].
- Mountain forest area, widespread limestone, thin soilshi hou ,gou shen po dou . 区内山峰林立,灰岩广布,石厚土薄,沟深坡陡。
- Hou Ji (Qi) 后稷弃
- Hou Ji 后稷
- He hasn't a sou, ie He's very poor. 他穷得连一个子儿也没有.
- He hasn't a sou,ie He's very poor. 他穷得连一个子儿也没有.
- We can say "yi sou" or "yi tiao" boat. 我们可以说,一艘船或者一条船。
- Hou much money are you going to draw from the bank? 你准备从银行取多少钱?
- Jean Valjean accepted the sou with a deep bow. 冉阿让收下这个苏,总深深地一鞠躬。
- After he retired, Shen bought a palatial mansion. 离职以后,沈先生买了一座宫殿式的别墅。
- Alive, be man of men; dead, be soul of sou... 生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄。
- Do you mind if I ask sou to give me a ride home? 如果我请你送我回家,你会介意吗?)
- A: Minzcuz sou miz sawcih swhgeij lwi? 你们民族有自己的文字吗?
- So ends the story of Hou Yi and the nine: suns. 这就是有名的后羿射日的故事。
- Dina: Sou vegetariana.Tem algum prato vegetariano ? 我是素食者,菜单里有素菜吗?