- Soriculus fumidus were also caught more often in microhabitat with higher understory. 湿度对灰麝鼩的出现亦有影响。
- Soriculus fumidusn. 台湾长尾鼩
- Gastropoda and Chilopoda were also important preys for A. yamashinai and C. attenuata, respectively, while S. fumidus consumed a greater proportion of arthropods than the others. 此外,台湾短尾鼩会取食较多腹足纲,台湾灰麝鼩取食较多唇足纲,而长尾鼩则取食较多的各类节肢动物。
- Soriculus hypsibiusn. 川西长尾鼩
- Soriculus gruberin. 格氏长尾鼩
- Soriculus nigrescensn. 锡金长尾鼩
- Soriculus caudatusn. 长尾鼩
- Soriculus leucopsn. 印度长尾鼩
- Soriculusn. 长尾鼩属
- Soriculus salenskiin. 大长尾鼩
- Soriculus smithiin. 史密斯长尾鼩
- Soriculus lowein. 洛氏长尾鼩
- Soriculus baileyin. 贝氏长尾鼩