- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- Sooty Oystercstchern. 乌蛎鹬
- We looked out through the sooty windows. 我们透过满是煤烟的窗户往外看。
- In they came, the whole coarse, dirty, scabby, sooty lot of them. 上帝见了他们笑着说:“我会赐福这些孩子的。”
- However, Sooty should do long glides with swept-back albatross-like wings. 然而灰水剃鸟会做很长距离的滑翔,同时翅膀像信天翁一样的往后掠。
- There should be no sooty or black hair intermingled with any of the tan. 在前腿的肘部以下和后腿的膝部以下是大量明亮的棕色。
- They turned off the main road, past a black patch of common-garden, where sooty cabbage stumps stood shameless. 她们拐下大路,路过一片黑乎乎的菜园。一棵棵白菜根昂首挺胸地立在地上,上面盖满了黑灰。
- Its coal-burning kilns spew out huge quantities of sooty waste and chemical compounds such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. 在这里,烧煤的窑炉喷出大量的黑色废气及二氧化硫和二氧化氮等化合物。
- Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world's weirdest and wackiest achievers by Briton Paul Hunn who scooped the record for the world's largest burp. 与黑子一起跻身世界上最为怪异的创纪录者行列的还有一个名叫布赖顿-保罗-哈恩的人,他成为了世界上打嗝声音最为嘹亮的人。
- He has washed his sooty face, and put on his Sabbath-day clothes, and looks as if he would gladly be merry, if any kind body would only teach him how! 他洗掉了满脸煤烟,穿上了过星期日的衣服,象是只要有个好心人教教他,就要痛痛快快地玩玩哪!
- At least the death cry of the insignificant sooty gull gave her back her significance. 至少,这只不起眼的黑海鸥临死前那一声尖叫恢复了她的理性。
- Sooty blotch has become one of the most important diseases on many ornamental plants. 实践证明煤污病是园林植物的一类重要病害。
- The sooty bulk of the mountain paled slowly until it was the same color as the smoke from Ennis's breakfast fire. 远处黑魆魆的山峦慢慢变亮,直到最后变成和埃尼斯做早餐时飘过来的炊烟一样的颜色。
- And that's not to mention the hopes of U.S. diesel fans that just went up in a sooty puff of smoke. 这还没有提到希望美国柴油的球迷,仅仅上升了煤烟吞吐的烟雾.
- It continued to belch hot gas and ash on Monday, sending sooty emissions as far as neighboring Argentina. 图为在阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚市的艾斯圭尔,居民戴著外科手术的口罩外出。
- They have had a new family member from then on.He is sooty, papa.Why not we call him Charcoal? 从此家里多了条狗,黑不溜秋的,叫炭头吧。
- They turned off the main road, past a black patch of common-garden, where sooty cabbage stumps stood shameless . 她们拐下大路,路过一片黑乎乎的菜园。一棵棵白菜根昂首挺胸地立在地上,上面盖满了黑灰。
- They can be found in sooty exhaust from cars and airplanes, and in charcoal broiled hamburgers and burnt toast. 但天文学界一直苦于无法来证实这一点,如今,这一谜底终于被揭开了。
- On planet Earth, PAHs are widely encountered as the sooty products of combustion. 在地球上,燃烧之后经常能出现焦黑色的产物那就是多环芳烃。
- I looked up doubtfully, and there, sure enough, on the rock of the sepulchre, was spread an unctuous and sooty mark, three feet or more across. 我满腹疑虑地抬头望去,果然,在墓室的顶上有一片三呎多宽的油腻乌黑的痕迹。