- Soon ripe and soon rotten. 早熟早烂。
- Soon ripe and soon rotten 早熟早烂
- Soon ripe, soon rotten. 熟得早,烂得快; 早慧早衰。
- Soon ripe soon rotten. 熟得快;烂得快
- I took a sleeping pill and soon came over drowsy. 我吃了一片安眠药,很快就昏昏欲睡了。
- "Soon ripe, soon rotten" 熟得快,烂得快
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。
- Soon ripe, soon rotten 熟得早,烂得快。
- The dog began to sicken and soon died. 这只狗开始生病并且很快就死了。
- He lay down on the sofa and soon fell asleep. 她躺在沙发上很快就睡著了。
- The ears of paddy are ripe and golden. 稻穗金黄。
- He lay down on the sofa and soon fall asleep. 她躺在沙发上很快就睡著了。
- Water melons with clear stripes are ripe and sweet. 条纹清晰的西瓜,瓜熟味甜。
- The ship struck upon a rock and soon went under. 这只船撞到一岩石而很快沉没了。
- The apples are ripe and ready to eat. 苹果完全熟了,随时可以享用。
- It was a surface wound and soon healed. 那是一个表面伤,不久便长好了。
- Pears are yellow Rich ripe and mellow. 熟透的梨子是金黄的。
- The new restaurant was a failure and soon closed. 那家新饭店经营无方,不久便关了门。
- Pears are yellow, rich and ripe and mellow. 梨儿就是黄色,熟透且多汁。
- The store was a financial failure and soon closed. 该店赔本,很快就关闭了。