- The Sonoran desert, where Tucson is located, is one of those special places. 而图森所在地Sonoran沙漠就是Saguro(sawaro)仙人掌存活的特殊地区之一。
- The Central Valley of California could become the new home offor plants now found in the Sonoran desert of Mexico. 加州的中央峡谷可能成为现今在墨西哥桑诺伦荒漠发现植株的新定居点。
- I once attended a Navajo blessing ceremony, held in a tepee on the red sand of the Sonoran desert. 曾经,我参加过一次纳瓦霍祝福仪式,那时在索诺兰沙漠上的红沙地上的一个帐篷中举行的仪式。
- Saguaros are unique to the Sonoran Desert, 120,000 square miles covering portions of Arizona, California and the northern Mexican states of Baja California and Sonora. 索诺兰沙漠方圆120,000平方英里,位于亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州及墨西哥北部下加利福尼亚州和索诺兰州境内。巨型仙人掌是该地区独有的植物。
- In Arizona’s Sonoran Desert, 15 miles west of Tucson, the depressed and ailing come to bathe in the gentle blue-white beam of Richard Chapin’s moonlight collector. 一些精神抑郁和体弱多病的人们来到亚利桑那州图森市以西 15英里处的索诺兰沙漠进行月光浴,这种柔和的白蓝色光束来自理查德 蔡平的月光采集器。
- The forest will act as a defense against desert dust. 森林能起防御沙漠灰沙的作用。
- Pirates used to maroon people on desert islands. 海盗过去惯常把人们遗弃在荒岛。
- A desert has no settled population. 沙漠没有固定的居民。
- He went forth into the desert to pray. 他向前走到沙漠中祈祷。
- Few plants or animals thrive in the desert. 很少植物或动物能在沙漠中很好地生长。
- There are lots of dunes in the desert. 沙漠里有许多沙丘。
- There was a great expanse of desert before us. 我们面前有一片广阔的沙漠。
- The travellers in the desert felt thirsty. 沙漠中的旅行者感到口干舌燥。
- The desert continued as far as the eye could see. 沙漠一直伸展到视线的尽头。
- The barren, inhospitable desert. 那片贫瘠的、荒凉的沙漠
- The railway traverses hundreds of miles of desert. 这条铁路贯穿数百英里的沙漠。
- There were prospecting for oil in the desert. 他们那时正在沙漠中勘探石油。
- The explorers starved to death in the desert. 探险者们在沙漠中饿死了。
- Nobody likes to live in that desert region. 没有人喜欢生活在那个沙漠地区。
- They crossed through the great desert. 他们横穿过大沙漠。