- Songhuajiang Biota 松花江生物群
- Ultimately it controls the biota. 最终是土壤控制着生物区系”。
- The biota exhibited a one hundred percent mortality response. 这种生物显示出一种百分之百的死亡反应。
- They have had serious effects upon the biota of stream. 它们对河流中的生物群体产生严重影响。
- It is now clear that habitats and biota do frequently change. 现在已经清楚,生境和生物群确实经常变化。
- Either biota can be used as an indicator of low temperature. 二者均具有指示低温之意义存在。
- The paper discusses BOD5 pollution in JiaMusi section of SongHuaJiang river. 本文探讨了松花江佳木斯江段生化需氧量污染的状况。
- The biota on an island endures constant turnover in species composition. 面积越小、隔离程度越高,生态释放效应更明显。
- North to Songhuajiang river, thrust-fold systems thrusting from NWW to SEE controlled strata fluctuation. 在松花江以北,构成一个自北西西向南东东逆冲的逆冲-褶皱系统,控制了地层起伏的格架。
- The past decade has witnessed the discoveries of various important fossils from the Mesozoic Jehol Biota. 摘要最近十多年来,我国在热河生物群各门类生物研究方面取得了一系列重要的发现和成果。
- The flood management system in Songhuajiang rirer is a part of non-engineering measures in the loan of ADB. 在梯级开发河流上应实施从施工洪水控制到施工洪水管理的观念转移;
- Tropical fish: Including characin, cyprinidae, medaka, cichlid, gourami, biota or loach and groupers and so on. 热带鱼:包括脂鲤科、鲤科、鳉鱼科、慈鲷科、攀鲈科、鳅科、鲶科等.
- Our college lies to the west suburb of Jiamusi, which is really a beautiful place surrounded by the high mountains and Songhuajiang River. 校园内树木葱郁,鸟语花香,与北京北方交大中国邮电大学等名牌学府溶为一体,与石油大学政法大学等著名高校相临,极具文化与艺术品味,是学习深造的美好乐园。
- Promoting scientific research relevant to the management and conservation of wetlands and their biota. 推广与管理和保育湿地及区内动物有关的科学研究。
- The flourishing of the Jehol Biota is related to the unique, warm, fresh water and continental environment of East Asia in the Early Cretaceous. 热河生物群的繁盛和东亚地区当时特有的温暖的淡水和陆地环境具有密切的联系。
- West Liaoning of out country is a typical area for the study of the Jehol Biota ,where the fossil treasure-house of Mesozoic Era is rare in the world . 我国的辽西地区是研究热河生物群的经典地区,保存了一座世界罕见的化石宝库,而且保存十分完整,特别是以保存了许多生物的软体组织特征而闻名于世。
- Variability of East Asian Summer Monsoon and Its Association with Rainfall Trend over Songhuajiang Nenjiang River Basin Zhang Zhixiu Nenjiang River basin. 东亚夏季风年际和年代际变化松嫩流域。
- Luo biota have been found in vertebrate fish to the most prosperous, most of the fish fossils as a new species. 罗平生物群中目前已发现的脊椎动物中以鱼类最为繁盛,大部分鱼类化石为新属种。
- At the angle of the pollution of Songhuajiang River, the existing legislation fails to firmly regulate the liability of multinational pollution for damage. 以此次松花江水污染事件为视角,凸现了现行立法对跨界污染损害责任制度存在的诸多缺欠和不足。
- Sanya Pterosaur is the most Precious in our museum.It was found in Jehol Biota and located in Sanya, so given the name. 三亚翼龙是三亚自然博物馆的镇馆之宝,它发现于热河生物群且落户三亚,故命名为三亚翼龙。