- Iron helmet from Song Yuan dynasty,paying attention to its cucurbit shape.It is high grade in those years. 宋元铁盔,注意眉间的葫芦形。在当年也是级别颇高的东西。
- Song Yuan Dynasty 宋元
- An exceptional Yuan dynasty silversmith. 杰出的银匠朱碧山的作品。
- Then the Mongols established the Yuan dynasty. 以后蒙古人建立元朝。
- Even the emperor of Yuan Dynasty obeys you. 甚至元朝代的皇帝服从你。
- Commercial Prosper and Decline of Ancient Capital Chang'an in The Five Dynasties Period and Song Yuan Dynasties 五代宋元时期古都长安商业的兴衰演变
- Zhou Mi was a famous litterateur and philologist between Song Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty. 摘要周密是宋元之交著名的文学家及文献学家。
- The Hui's moralities are originated from Song and Yuan Dynasty and formed in Ming Dy-nasty. 回族道德发轫于宋元,形成于明代。
- Huang learned from his uncle Zhao Mengfu, who was also a well-known painter of the Yuan Dynasty, and other Song Dynasty painters. 黄公望得到舅舅赵孟頫的传授,融合宋代各大家之所长
- Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam? 元代设有管理伊斯兰教的官署吗?
- The government and non-government paid more attention to collecting and preserving the posthumous of the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty. 明代公私对宋元遗籍的搜集和保存,应当说是相当重视的。
- Therefore,a systematic summary of etymological studies in the Song and the Yuan Dynasty is of great importance to such study in modern times. 系统总结宋元时期的词源学研究,对今天探讨这一问题有十分重要的意义。
- As a kind of traditional painting in our country, mural sprang up at Han, prospered at Tang and declined at the period of Song, Yuan Dynasty. 壁画作为我国的传统绘画,由汉代盛兴,唐代达到高峰,宋元时期逐渐衰落。
- Sorting out the anthologies of the Song Dynasty by the men of the Ming Dynasty was based on book reservation, cutting blocks of the Yuan Dynasty. 摘要明人对宋集的整理,是在元代图书典藏、刊刻的基础上进行的。
- The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing. 元代建都于大都, 即今之北京。
- "Wotuo money" is a kind of usury described in Zaju of Yuan Dynasty. 摘要斡脱钱就是指元代的高利贷。
- Balsam pear, former koel Ni Xiya, it is in Song Yuan period travels person our country about. 苦瓜,原产于印度尼西亚,大约是在宋元时期传人我国。
- Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty. 对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛。
- Was it once dated to be simitar in Yuan dynasty?Now I lose! 啊!!!前一阵子不是有断元代弯刀的吗?这下亏大了!
- Shapotou, said Shatuo ancient times, the Dune of the Yuan Dynasty. 沙坡头,古时称沙陀,元代名沙山。