- UV/solar选择比UV/solar rejection ratios
- Solar公司无刷交流发电机励磁回路的保护改进Protection Improvement of Solar Company Brushless AC Power Generator Excitation Circuit
- Association for Applied Solar Energy (AASE) (美国)太阳能利用协用
- 再次感谢您此次的到来,希望今后Solar公司与双飞的合作能够协手再创佳绩!Thank you again for your interview. We wish the cooperation between Solar and SF will obtain great achievements in coming days.
- 表示由当前Type实现或继承的所有接口的Type对象数组。An array of Type objects representing all the interfaces implemented or inherited by the current Type.
- 大西洋鲑稚鱼(Oncorhynchus solar)小瓜虫病(Lchthyophthirius filiis)的防治试验TEST ON THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF ICK(Ichthyophthirius Filiis)ON THE FRYS OF ATLANTIC SALMON(Oncorhynchus Salar)
- Type-A半群Type-A semigroups
- SOLAR生产的非晶硅薄膜太阳电池主要应用于大规模太阳能发电站和光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)。The a-Si thin film solar cells manufactured by GS-SOLAR are mainly applied in large scale solar power plants and BIPV(Building Integrated Photovoltaic).
- Type-2模糊集Tpye-2 Fuzzy Set
- Type-Ⅱ模糊集Type-Ⅱ Fuzzy Sets
- 2)在79个白种扩展家系的1816个样本中,采用SOLAR对身高的两个侯选区域(6q24-25和7q31.3-36)进行连锁排除分析;2)Using SOLAR, we performed linkage exclusion analyses to test against the significance of two candidate regions (6q24-25 and 7q31.3-36) for height in an extended sample of 79 Caucasian pedigrees with 1,816 subjects;
- 大家可能猜想有一个名为“type”的关键字。You might expect there to be a keyword called "type," and that certainly would have made sense.
- Type-2模糊系统Type -2 fuzzy logical system
- TypeⅢ分泌系统TypeⅢ secretion systems
- protocol-type、protocol-options和options可在多处进行设置。The protocol-type, protocol-options, and options can be set in several places.
- Razumikhin-type定理Razumikhin-type theorem
- 活化B细胞样(activated B-cell-like,ABC); (3)第3型(type 3)。The GCB group has a significantly bettersurvival than the ABC group, The type 3 group is heterogeneous and not well defined, but has a poor outcome similar to the ABC group.
- Suzuki--Type偶联反应Suzuki-Type coupling reaction
- Type-Ⅱ型W结构激光器Type-Ⅱ " W " laser