- Law of soil and water conservation. 国家制定颁布的水土保持法令。
- Soil and Water Conservation Benefits of Terracing on the Slope et al. 坡改梯的水土保持效益研究。
- Title: Soil and Water Conservation Benefits of Terracing on the Slope et al. 关键词:坡耕地;新梯田;老梯田;水土保持效益
- Trees are helpful in water conservation. 树木有助于涵养水源。
- Polk Soil& Water Conservation District is one of Oregon's45 Districts assisting landowners in resource conservation. 描述:波尔水土保护区是俄勒冈州45个水土保护区之一,创建于1996年四月,主要是给与该地区土地所有者在水土保护方面以协助。
- Benton Soil& Water Conservation District is one of Oregon's45 Districts assisting landowners in resource conservation. 描述:本顿水土保持区是俄勒冈州45个水土保持区之一,主要是给与该地区土地所有者在水土保护方面以协助。
- Decision-making System for Soil and Water Conservation in Small Valleys on the Loess Plateau. 黄土高原小流域水土保持决策系统研究。
- Excellent Plant for Forage, Turf, Soil and Water Conservation--Elytrigia repens L. 优良的饲用坪用水土保持兼用植物-偃麦草。
- Structure Patterns of Soil and Water Conservation Forests in Limestone Area Taihang Mt. 太行山石灰岩区水保林林分结构模式研究
- The bryophytes play a very important role in soil and water conservation and water source holding in a slope ecosystem. 摘要苔藓植物在边坡生态系统中有着非常重要的作用,具有涵养水源,保持水土的功能。
- It is necessary to monitor the real-time locale information on soil and water conservation in the information era. 摘要信息时代的水土保持监测需要应对现场实时紧急业务处理需求。
- Dynamic monitoring soil erosion is one of important task in soil and water conservation management. 土壤侵蚀动态监测是水土保持管理工作的主要内容之一。
- The industrialization of soil and water conservation should havesolid theory as guide. 水土保持产业化需要有坚实的理论来作指导。
- The synthetical benefits of soil and water conservation after harness in Shima small watershed are evaluated. 综合评价了石马河小流域治理后的水土保持效益。
- Forestry and water conservancy made new progress. 林业、水利建设取得了新进展。
- The results are of significance to soil and water conservation in purple soil area. 研究结果对川中紫色土丘陵区生态环境建设有重要参考意义。
- Shen Zhu Jiang. Theoretical Soil Mechanism [M] Beijing:Public of water conservation and hydroelectricity. 钱家欢,殷宗泽.;土工原理与计算[M]北京:中国水利水电出版社,1996
- Urban water conservation programs must adapt to local circumstances. 城市节水计划必须适合当地条件。
- Fengtai District Water Conservancy Engineering Co. 丰台水利工程公司。
- Xiangkun Water Conservancy Construction Co., Ltd. 翔鲲水务建设有限公司。