- Softwares used in your site. 网站使用的软件。
- By the way, is computer widely used in your work? 顺便问一下,计算机在你们厂得到广泛应用吗?
- By the way,are computers widely used in your work ? 顺便问一下,计算机在你们的工作中应用广泛吗?
- Define the types that will be used in your schema. 定义将用于架构的类型。
- Select TV Tuner Model used in your card. 这里要选择你的高频头型号,并且一定要选择。下一步。
- What is the type of yarn used in your pink swatch? 你们的粉色坯布用的是什么类型的纱线?
- It is not intended for use in your code. 不应在代码中使用。
- Set any breakpoints you want to use in your code. 设置要在代码中使用的任意断点。
- Dathan: To use in your service, son of Pharaoh. 戴森:那是用来服务您的,法老之子。
- You can store the image you plan to use in a library on your site, such as a picture library. 您可以将计划使用的图像存储在网站上的库中,例如图片库中。
- To be used in your continuing quest for world peace, I presume. 我猜你要用它继续你对世界和平的追求。
- Internal only; not intended to be used in your code. 仅限内部;不应在代码中使用。
- By the way, are computers widely used in your work ? 顺便问一下,计算机在你们厂得到广泛应用吗?
- These lasers are similar to those used in your CD player. 这些激光与你CD播放器所用到的那些相似。
- I should like to use the same instrument as is used in your lab. 我想使用你们实验室所用的同样的实验设备。
- Replace the file paths with the paths you want to use in your code. 用想在代码中使用的路径来替换文件路径。
- Software with a vengeance: free and easy to use in your business. 强大的软件:可以在业务中免费使用而且易于使用。
- Have your classmates suggest other good words to use in your ad. 让你的同学们针对你的广告提出使用其他好词语的建议。
- A powerful Template class for use in your own PHP scripts. 一个你可以用在自己程序中的面向兑现的模板类。
- BVH files can be use in your 3D character animation softwares like 3ds max, Poser, Maya, Endorphin, Lightwave, MotionBuilder, iClone and many others. BVH文件可以在您的3D人物像3ds Max软件,波塞尔,玛雅,内啡肽,光波,MotionBuilder上,动画软件使用iClone等等。