- Soejima Osamu 副岛治(1933-),日本人,官员。
- Adapted from "Black Jack" written by the Father of Anime, Tezuka Osamu! 本片改编自动画片之父手冢治虫的著作!
- Osamu Ikeuchi, an essayist and scholar of German literature, once wrote that "Italian is a rewarding language to learn. 主修德国文学的散文评论家池内纪曾写到“意大利语是门值得学习的语言。”
- Li Ruixi, Peng Yuwen, Osamu Ohtani, Hisao Nishijo, Wang jie, Ding Zhongliang, Gao Lu, Shen Xinya. 李瑞锡、彭裕文、大谷修、西条寿夫、王劼、丁忠良、高璐、沈馨亚。
- Osamu E. The insulin-like effects of selenate in rat adipocytes [J]. D Biol Chem, 1990,265:1124. 张桂珍,李广生,王凡等.硒缺乏大鼠胰岛损害的免疫组织化学图象分析[J].营养学报,1996,18:71
- MINORU Yoshida,OSAMU Tada,HASHIME Joe.Programming of the Engine Control Unit by the C Language[C].SAE Paper 960047. 汤子瀛,杨成忠.;计算机操作系统[M]
- Acclaimed director Osamu Dezaki will supervise the animators of the film's productions. 著名导演出崎统将监制电影的制作过程。
- Any pieces of work and any published items by Dr. Tezuka, you can find their information here. This page is really the Encyclopedia of Osamu Tezuka. 所有手冢老师的作品,出版过的刊物,你都可以在这里找到它们的资料,这网页真的名副其实是手冢治虫百科全书。
- As one of the major writers in Deviant School in post-war Japan, Osamu Dazai is a most typical "personal fiction" novelist. 摘要战后日本“无赖派”主要代表作家太宰治,是一位极其典型的“私小说”作家。
- On 8 October 2008, the 2008 Nobel prize in chemistry was awarded to Osamu Shimomura, Chalfie, and Tsien for their work on GFP. 2008年10月8日,因为在绿色荧光蛋白方面的工作,下村修,查菲和钱永健被授予2008年诺贝尔化学奖。
- Mica Ertegun, Anne Eisenhower, Osamu Hashimoto, Barbara Ostrom, and Sylvia Owen;best-selling author and designer Alexandra Stoddard;Allan H. 毕业知名校友分布在世界各地,这些成功校友包括Mariette Himes Gomez;
- Both Tamotsu and Osamu, who fall for Narumi, keep holding back their feelings and giving way to each other.This complex love affair unintentionally causes Junichiro's death. 后来挂居与女朋友分手,他和奈美终能走在一起,奈美希望挂居能无时无刻记挂著她,但挂居经常要工作,二人因此产生磨擦,导致分手。
- Suzuki CEO Osamu Suzuki says that the Japanese automaker has held no discussions with Volkswagen over a small car alliance with investment from the German automaker. 铃木总裁铃木修说,日本汽车制造商举行了讨论,没有大众的小型车与投资联盟由德国汽车制造商。
- Osamu Ikegame, 40, said he could not stop himself when he saw the Aurora docked in Yokohama and climbed a 2.5m fence at the harbor, according to police. 警方指出,四十岁的池龟治说他看到停泊在横滨的奥萝拉号后,不由自主地爬上港口两点五公尺高的围墙。
- Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, in which Suzuki owns 54.2 percent, will make the car that will be sold globally, Osamu Suzuki said at an industry conference, without giving details. 铃木董事长铃木修表示,铃木将在其控股54.;2%25的印度玛鲁蒂-铃木有限公司生产销往全球的轿车,但他没有透露计划的细节。
- Speaking one day after the release of a new video featuring Al-Quida leader alsummu(Osamu) Benladin, the Presidend reaffirm his determination to continue the fight in Iraq. 新的基地组织领导萨达姆侯赛因的录像公布后的第二天,总统再次强调了他将继续伊拉克反恐活动的决心。
- Zhang Pingwei,Yokoyama Toshiro,Itabashi Osamu,et al.Hydrometallurgical process for recovery of metal values from spent lithium-ion secondary batteries[J].Hydrometallurgy,1998,47 (2 -3):259-271. 钟海云;李荐;柴立元.;从锂离子二次电池正极废料--铝钴膜中回收钴的工艺研究[J]
- Shoji Yahara, Kiyoko Kaji, Osamu Tanaka, et al. Further study on dammarane-type saponins of roots, leaves, flower-buds, and fruits of Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer [J] .Chem Pharm Bull, 1979, 27(1):88-92. 李向高;滕芬婷.;人参有效成分的研究(一)--人参皂甙及皂甙元的提取、分离和鉴定[J]
- Chinese-American Roger Tsien, along with Japanese Osamu Shimomura, and American Martin Chalfie, shared the Nobel chemistry prize for discovering and developing green fluorescent protein(GFP). 华裔美国人钱永健,日本科学家小泉修和美国科学家马丁-查尔菲三人因发现和应用绿色荧光蛋白而共同获得诺贝尔化学奖。
- With the language guidelines, we hope to spread the correct use of the Japanese language," education ministry official Osamu Kubota was quoted as saying by the French news agency AFP. 我们希望能通过语言方面的指导来推广日语的正确用法。”法新社援引日本教育部官员和久保田修的话说。