- For them, retraining and an adequate social safety net are needed. 他们需要再培训和足够的社保。”
- The Group also emphasised the importance of social safety nets in support of reform efforts. 该小组亦强调,设立社会安全网对促进改革工作十分重要。
- What are effects on wages and inequality, on social safety nets, on production, and innovation? 全球化在薪资和不平等、社会安全网络、生产面、和改革方面的影响?
- Second, the Chinese have a high savings rate because the old social safety net has disintegrated. 其次,中国储蓄率之所以处于高位,是因为原来的社会保障体系已经瓦解。
- It is a sort of purification of the soul on the individual level, a cure against miserliness, and a social safety net. 它是一种对个人的灵魂净化,治愈吝啬和贪得无厌,和构建一个社会安全网。
- The large social safety net fully served its automatic-stabilizer purpose in a countercyclical manner. 巨大的社会安全网完全成为自动稳定器,起到反经济周期的作用。
- One reason for high savings, Lardy says, is the shredding of the social safety net. 他说,高储蓄率的一个原因是社会保障体系的崩塌。
- The social safety net of pensions, health care and education barely exists, so Chinese families save heavily. 养老、医疗和教育的社会保障网络几乎不存在,所以中国的家庭都在拼命攒钱。
- Reforms to improve health care and the social safety net will take many years to encourage people to save less. 旨在提高医疗保健和社会安全网的改革将会花费很长的时间鼓励人们减少储蓄。
- Ensuring social safety net and outreaching to the impoverished, making sure that those in genuine need can meet their basic and special needs. 提供社会安全网,主动接触社会上贫乏的一群,让真正有困难的人士得以满足基本和特殊的需要。
- It must not be, unless you would undermine the very foundations of social safety, strangle justice, and call down anarchy, massacre, and ruin, on the Commonwealth! 这样做了,你们就会挖去社会安全的基石,扼杀正义,给共和国招来混乱、杀戮和毁灭!
- The Soviet social safety net has been shredded, and articles about the woes and impoverishment of the Russian people could fill volumes. 前苏联的安全部门已然消失,描写俄罗斯人悲剧和贫困的文章已可编成数卷。
- Arguably, the European model has more niceness built into itthan the American version, thanks to social safety nets of varioussorts. 欧洲模式比美国模式要有更多的好处,这要归功于其形式各样的社会保障网络。
- The second condition would relate to “social safety nets”, which had become standard embellishments to World Bank/IMF adjustment programmes. 第二个条件将与“社会安全网”有关,这已成为世界银行和IMF为其援助项目装点门面的标志性手段。
- F.D.R. was able to enact Social Security in part because the Great Depression highlighted the need for a stronger social safety net. 的确不错,小罗斯福总统能够推行社会安全(福利)制度,部分原因便是大萧条凸显了更强固社会安全网的必要。
- The present Labour government slowed down reforms and maintains what it calls a "social safety net" for the very neediest. 现在执政的工党政府减慢了改革速度,为最需要的人提供所谓的“社会安全网”。
- To the extent that its deficient social safety net depresses household consumption, the root cause of China's problem is political, not economic. 不完善的社会保障网络抑制了中国家庭消费,就这一点而言,中国问题的根源在于政治,而非经济。
- He noted that industrialized economies have responded to the world recession and its related job losses with stimulus programs and widened social safety nets. 他表示,工业化经济体以刺激计划和扩大社会安全网络的方式对世界经济衰退及其相关的失业问题作出回应。
- Stiglitz defined the government's role as providing public services such as education, health, pension and other social safety nets and enabling the market to function well. 认为政府的角色主要是提供公共服务,如:教育、健康、养老金及其它社会安全网络,使市场良好运营。
- Sceptics believe that without a social safety net in the countryside the system will merely persuade indigent farmers to sell up cheaply to big agricultural conglomerates. 怀疑者认为农村地区缺乏社会保障网,这种制度只能使得贫困的农民将土地廉价地卖给大型农业企业。