- The future of social entrepreneurship in China is also anticipated. 对公益创业在中国的发展前景进行展望。
- The idea of "social entrepreneurship" has struck a responsive chord. “社会企业家”这一想法得到了人们的回应。
- The intensity of social entrepreneurship can and does ebb and flow over time. 社会企业家的强度可以,而且也的确随着时间而波动。
- More in Social Entrepreneurship Store: classic books, movies, fair trade goods, etc. 更多社会企业书籍、影视、公平贸易精品。
- Social entrepreneurship may be the most exciting and frustrating field in public service today. 1在当今公共服务领域,社会企业家也许是最激动人心也最令人沮丧的领域。
- The dabbawalas, who all receive the same pay, are also seen as paragons of “bottom up” social entrepreneurship. “达巴瓦拉”由于始终拿相同的报酬,也被认为是“从底层不断向上攀爬”的社会企业家典范。
- Over the past 20 years, there has been extraordinary growth in social entrepreneurship. 过去的20年间社会创业数量急增。
- I also circle back to my original assumption that old organizations can nurture social entrepreneurship. 我还支持我原先的一个假设:旧的组织也能培养社会企业家精神。
- If these factors suggest that social entrepreneurship is truly the work of a rare breed that must struggle mightily to succeed, so be it. 如果这些因素表明社会企业家真的只是必须努力奋斗获得成功的稀有有人群的分内之事,那么就只能如此。
- If, however, research suggests that social entrepreneurship can be a more natural act by a much larger number of people and entities, all the better. 然而,假如研究表明社会企业家本可以是更多人群和实体的更自然的行为,那就更好了。
- Any definition of social entrepreneurship should reflect the need for a substitute for the market discipline that works for business entrepreneurs. 对社会企业家的任何定义都应该反映一个需要,即取代只适用于商业企业家的市场秩序。
- Social entrepreneurship is one of the most popular terms in the nonprofit sector, and also one of the most misunderstood. 在非营利组织领域里,社会企业家是最流行的名词之一,也是被人误解最多的。
- Although people generally agree on this broad definition of social entrepreneurship, confusion reigns over the specifics. 尽管大众普遍认同对于社会企业家精神的宽泛解释,在一些细节方面仍然有些歧义。
- Social entrepreneurship is one of the most alluring terms on the problem-solving landscape today, and is in use even in the new Obama administration. 社会企业家精神是解决现今社会问题中一个引人注目的字眼,它甚至被用进了奥巴马政府的管理之中。
- The prevailing definition of social entrepreneur also ignores the pipeline of support that might enhance both the amount of social entrepreneurship and its success. 这种对社会企业家的主流定义也忽视了可能加强社会企业家数量,也强化其成功的支援管道。
- The prevailing definition of social entrepreneurship involves a series of other narrowing assumptions that reinforce the conventional wisdom that entrepreneurs are born, not made. 社会企业家的主流定义包括一系列其他片面假设,强化了企业家是天生的,而不是后天培养的这种传统观念。
- Although my definition of social entrepreneurship has become more exclusive over the past three years, I still stand by two of my original, more inclusive assumptions. 虽然我对于社会企业家精神的定义在过去的三年中变得更专门,我仍然支持我原来的两个概括性的假设。
- Note: Professor Dees is the Faculty Director of the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. ees教授是杜克大学富科商学院社会企业家发展中心的主任。
- Social entrepreneurship has come to be synonymous with the individual visionary-the risk taker who goes against the tide to start a new organization to create dramatic social change. 社会企业家已经成为空想家的同义词,这些冒险家险逆流而上,创办新组织以产生巨大的社会变化。
- Hold that social entrepreneurship may provide an enlightening insight to the promotion of corporate social responsibility but should also be tailored to the specific situation in China. 认为公益创业有推广可以为唤醒企业社会责任意识提供新思路,但是公益创业在中国的发展也要适合中国国情。