- Sobriety alone is not enough. 仅仅戒酒还不够。
- Good intention alone is not enough. 光有好的意愿还不够。
- But government effort alone is not enough. 但单靠政府的力量是不足够的。
- But "energy" alone is not enough. 但是,只有能量是不够的。
- But dreaming alone is not enough. 但单独作梦不是足够。
- Positive thinking alone is not enough to turn your life around. 仅仅有积极的思想不足以改变你的生命。
- Yet oppor-tunity alone is not enough to create success . 机会如此易得以至我们对此视为理所当然。
- Gorging on chocolate love Chocolate alone is not enough for you! 别再贪吃巧克力爱情巧克力可以顶三顿饭吃吗?
- But this condition alone is not enough and must be accompanied by others. 但是单有这个条件还不够,还要求别的条件和它配合。
- It's great to hitch your wagon to a star, but that alone is not enough. 胸怀大志是件很好的事情,但是光有大志是不够的。
- Hearn's face fell at the news."It shows the ban alone is not enough. 听到这个消息的时候赫恩的脸色沉了下来。
- Oh.So much for the easy part. You see,the incantation alone is not enough. 噢;最简单的部分就学到这里了.;你们知道;只有咒语还是不够的
- It is fine to hitch your wagon to a star, but that alone is not enough. 胸怀大志是一件好事,但是光有大志还不够。
- UNICEF says food aid alone is not enough to solve the problem of undernourished children. 您不需支付任何费用就可以无限制地使用。
- Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success.Opporunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value. 然而只有机会并不能获得成功,而必须抓住机会,见机行事,创造佳绩。
- The president warns cliamte change is a globa problem and U.S. action alone is not enough. 总统警告大家气候变化是一个全球化问题,仅靠美国采取行动是远远不够的。
- But dialogue alone is not enough; cooperation among Third World countries -- in other words,South-South cooperation -- should be stepped up as well. 不过,单靠南北对话还不行,还要加强第三世界国家之间的合作,也就是南南合作。
- "Monetary stimulus alone is not enough - it must be combined with fiscal stimulus if you want more bang for your buck," he noted. “如果你要对经济有更大的刺激,单独的金融刺激是不够的,它必须跟财政刺激结合在一起”他说。
- In the absence of a firm commitment to a solidly established rule of law, privatisation alone is not enough to lead to real economic freedom. 在缺乏稳固的法治下,私有化本身并不能导至真正的经济自由。
- The researchers stress that the presence of these genetic variants alone is not enough to completely predict specific treatment success or failure. 研究人员强调说,单独依靠现有的这些遗传变异还不足以预示某种治疗是成功还是失败。