- So sad but true For me there's only you Been crying since the day the day you went away. 如此悲伤却是真的。只有你是我的惟一。自从你离开,那天起,我哭泣。
- So sad but true. 那样真实的悲伤,
- Sad but true life can cause us to become reclusive. 悲哀但是真实的生活能使我们变成隐士。
- Sad but true, it is often less expensive to eat junk food than it is to eat healthy. 伤感但真实,往往比较便宜,是吃垃圾食品吃的健康。
- Secondly, It is very difficult for a single to adopt a non special needs kid in the US --- sad but true. 另外一个原因是在美国很难领养到一个不需要特殊照顾的孩子--这虽然令人痛心,但却是现实。
- I am so sad but now I must concentrate on the fact that I have a whole month before Brno in order to be fit and to be able to race in good shape.This is my aim," he added. 我感到很难过,但现在我必须面对在布尔诺的比赛前我还有一个月可以恢复健康的事实,希望我那时恢复到好的状态,那就是我的目标。”
- Actually, I have not been able to talk to anybody about this because nobody really knows about the Korean War in particular, sad but true. 没人特别了解朝鲜战争,真悲惨,我找不到什么人能一起讨论这个话题。
- This is sad but true: Men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University. 这说起来很令人难过,但却是事实:根据卡内基梅隆大学所做的一个研究:在车祸中的死亡率,男人比女人多了77%25的可能。
- Nothing is so sad as to see a friend lost to virtue. 没有比眼见朋友堕落下去更令人难过的事情了。
- I would be so sad I would commit suicide at once. 我伤心的几乎要马上自杀。
- I could weep the whole afternoon away, I'm so sad. 我太悲痛了,也许会哭一整个下午。
- The divorce left him a sadder but a wiser man. 他离婚是吃一堑长一智。
- I could weep the whole afternoon away,I'm so sad. 我太悲痛了,也许会哭一整个下午。
- I'm so sad since Amy and I broke up. 自从跟Amy分手后,我感到很难过。
- Cinderella was so sad that she began to cry. 灰姑娘太伤心了,哭了起来。
- She was startled to see him looking so sad. 看到他这么悲伤,使她大为吃惊。
- I was told about it. I felt so sad. 我听说了这事了,感到很难过。
- Virgo's scared of loneliness, pathetic, but true. 以后你可以尝试真正碰一下。。。
- M: Oh, to hear you say that, I feel so sad. 听你这么说,我真难受。