- So reform is urgently needed. 因此,改革刻不容缓。
- The promotion of the health system reform is urgently needed for the developing circumstance to insure the rights and benefit of the wide population. 推进医药卫生体制改革已成为形势发展和保障广大群众权益的迫切要求。
- New equipment is urgently needed. 亟需新设备。
- A new vision is urgently needed. 现急需新视野。
- Legislation on this issue is urgently needed. 这个问题急需立法。
- There is urgent need to debate this issue openly. 现在,急需对此问题进行公开辩论。
- A capable military commander is urgently needed, so the duke sends immediately for Othello. 在这样一场政治灾难面前,人们需要的是一位。
- How can you remain indifferent when your help is urgently needed? 急着等你帮忙,你怎么还若无其事?
- Health care reform is needed urgently. 卫生保健改革是迫切需要的。
- For the habituated flower addict, some kind of flower-fix is urgently needed. 不过对于一些爱花成癖的花痴,却迫切地需要花的复原。
- The law is in urgent need of reform. 这项法律亟待修订。
- Whereas, an effective method is urgently needed to assure the rapid development of OOS in China. 与此同时,我国软件外包业务发展迅速,亟待一个有效的质量保证方法为其护航。
- Please donate to UN-CEF and support their relief efforts, your generousity is urgently needed! 请支持联合国儿童基金会的紧急救援工作!
- The reform is at its critical stage now. 改革正处于关键阶段。
- Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行。
- The political trick that is urgently needed is not to try to stop this process, but to make it more palatable at home. 迫切需要的政治策略并非是试图阻止这一进程,而是令国内环境更加令人满意。
- Therefore in competition's antijamming ability and resistance ability, is Sun Yue is urgently needed enhances. 因此在比赛中的抗干扰能力和对抗能力,是孙悦急需提高的。
- So, this type of reform is likely to accelerate. 所以说,现在这类改革是可能会加快。
- To protect individual depositors and maintain financial stability, the financial safety net is urgently needed. 为保护小额存款人及维持金融稳定,银行安全网实有存在必要。
- To deepen reform is the most urgent task. 我们当务之争是要深化改革。