- You expend so much effort for so little return. 你为如此小的回报付出了如此多的努力。
- There was so little time for so much work. We could not do it other than hurriedly. 完成这么多工作时间有点紧。除了抓紧时间我们都不能完成任务。
- It seemed like I'd been giving out so much for so long. 我好像觉得自己长期以来一直付出得太多。
- So Much for So Little 太少里的太多
- It's raining--so much for my idea of taking a walk. 天下雨了我要出去散步的想法也完了。
- I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods. 我不愿花这么多钱买次品。
- So much for my little infatuation. 我的迷恋就这样结束了。
- There is too much pain and you can suppress and repress only so much for so long. 你已经埋藏、压抑了很多的痛楚很久了。
- I would never have given credit to the boy for so much good sense. 我过去绝不会相信这个小伙子会如此头脑清楚。
- It just started raining. So much for your picnic this afternoon. 正好下雨了,你今天下午的野餐就到此为止吧。
- Work so hard for so little -- just be not worth it. 工作这么辛苦,却领这么少钱,实在不值得。
- Working for so little money just isn't worthwhile. 为这么点钱工作不值得。
- So much for our hopes of going abroad we can forget it. 我们出国的希望告一段落--不必再提了。
- So much for the detailed argument, I will now recapitulate. 详细理由业已说完,我现在简述要旨。
- He gave me so much and I knew so little about him. 他给予我如此之多,而我对他的了解却如此之少。
- Thank you very much for SO caring me. 多谢那么爱惜我。
- There is nothing too little for so little a creature as man. 对人这样渺小的生物说来,没有一样东西可以称得上太小的。
- What hurt most for Bastian was the wedge it put between him and the American women he had coached for so many years. 这是一个有意思的画面,一个250磅重的白人,与一队中国姑娘们一起唱着义勇军进行曲。但巴斯蒂安的的“中国化”也只能做到这个程度了。在很多时候,他依然表现得像个十足的美国人。
- There was so much to do and so little time! 需要做的事情那么多,时间又是那么少!
- It seemed like I'd been giving out so much for so long. Juggling the multiple priorities most professional women do, I felt tired and discouraged. 我好像觉得自己长期以来一直付出得太多。我要应付各式各样多数职业妇女必须干的事情,我感到累了,我没有勇气再干下去了。