- Snphora japonica L. [医] 槐
- Optimum pH on extracting Rutin from bud of Sophora japonica L. 槐花米中芦丁提取最佳pH值的实验研究。
- A Some Methods of Vegetative Propagation of Camellia japonica L. 茶花无性繁殖实践经验小结。
- Protection and Reinvigoration of Ancient Sophora japonica L. 古槐树的保护与复壮研究。
- Two Kaempferol Triglycosides from Pericarps of Sophora japonica L. 槐果皮中两个山柰酚三糖苷成分。
- Study on photosynthesis characteristic of Sophora japonica L. 国槐光合特性研究。
- Study on the Cuttage for Reproduction of Camellia japonica L. 山茶扦插技术研究。
- Studies on Liposoluble Constituents from Fruit of Sophora japonica L. 槐角中脂溶性化学成分的研究。
- Flavonols and flavonol glycosides from the pericarp of Sophora japonica L. 槐果皮中的黄酮醇及其苷类成分。
- The Rutin Conten Measuring by TLC Scanning in the Leaf of Sophora Japonica L. 薄层扫描法测定槐叶中的芦丁含量。
- Spectroscopic Structural Analysis of Quercetin in Sophara Japonica L. 由槐米中提取槲皮素的光谱学表征。
- Study on the Chemical Constituents from Seeds of Sophora japonica L. 槐树种子的化学成分研究。
- Exploration of Microscale Extraction Method of Rutin from Sophara Japonica L. 槐花米中提取芦丁的微型实验探讨。
- Title: Study on the Cuttage for Reproduction of Camellia japonica L. 关键词:山茶;扦插;基质;生根率
- Title: Study on the Introduction ofNaidongCamellia (Camellia japonica L. 关键词:"耐冬"山茶;引种;适应性
- Studies on the Leaf Tissue Structure and Cultivar Classification of 'NaiDong' Camellia japonica L. 耐冬山茶叶组织结构与品种分类研究。
- Determination of chemical composition of utility parts of anti-osteoporosis in the seeds of Camellia japonica L. 山茶种子抗骨质疏松有效部位群化学成分的含量测定。
- Conservation and utilization of Wild Germplasm Resources of Camellia japonica L. 耐冬山茶野生资源保护与利用。
- Analyses of polysaccharide contents in different organs of Eriobotrya japonica L. 枇杷不同器官多糖含量的比较。