- Snow cushioned my fall. 因为下面是雪,所以我跌得不重。
- My fall was cushioned by the deep snow. 积雪很厚,我跌得不重。
- The bush acted as a cushion to my fall. 这灌木在我摔下时起了缓冲作用。
- The bush acted as a cushion to my falling. 矮树丛缓冲了我的下跌。
- I was perfectly well five minutes after my fall,but my,hostess insisted on sending for a doctor. 我摔倒5分钟之后就完全好了,但我的女房东一定要我去看医生。
- My hands got entangled in the bridle, and I couldn't get an arm free to break my fall. 我的双手缠着马缰绳,因此我无法抽出一只手臂使自己摔得轻一些。
- I was perfectly well five minutes after my fall, but my, hostess insisted on sending for a doctor. 我摔倒5分钟之后就完全好了,但我的女房东一定要我去看医生。
- However, as I turned I was slammed to the tarmac so violently and swiftly that I had no time to break my fall with my hands. 但我一转过身,我就被狠狠地甩倒在停机坪上,速度之快让我都没时间用手撑着不至于跌倒。
- After a heavy fall, snow heaped up every-where. 大雪后,到处都堆起了雪堆。
- Snow fall all night on the mountain. 山里下了整整一夜的雪。
- The bushes broke my fall. 有那些灌木丛承着,使我不至于跌倒地面上。
- A mass of snow and rock break away and fall on the climber. 一堆积雪和岩石突然崩落到登山者的身上。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- That's my opinion and I stand or fall by it. 那是我的意思,而且无论如何我也要坚持。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- You mistook my meaning entirely. 你完全误解了我的意思。
- Snow scattered unequally over the mountainside. 雪不均匀地散落在山腰上。
- He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head. 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。