- Smoking ban in Greece 希腊限制吸烟
- The recession, cheap alcohol at supermakets, and a smoking ban in pubs enacted in 2007 are all to blame. 此次的经济衰退,超市出售的廉价酒,以及于2007年在酒吧实行的禁烟令都是造成酒吧关闭的原因。
- All the repairers said these signs had definitely improved in accordions they had worked on since the introduction of the smoking ban in Ireland. 所有修理师们都说,自从爱尔兰制定禁菸法令以来,他们所经手的手风琴状况确实都好转。
- Accidents in Delaware county in Pennsylvania increased by 26% after the next-door state of Delaware introduced a smoking ban in 2002. 在相邻的特拉华州2002年颁布禁烟令之后,宾夕法尼亚洲的特拉华县所发生的事故数量上升了26%25。
- After a long debate between pro- and anti-smoking campaigners, British MPs voted in favour of a smoking ban in all pubs, clubs and workplaces in England from summer 2007. 在经过了赞成吸烟者和反对吸烟之间的长期争论之后,英国下议院议员投票通过一项有关从2007年夏天开始在英格兰所有的酒吧,俱乐部以及工作场所禁止吸烟的法律。
- The bill, in line with standards of the European Union which Zagreb aspires to join by 2010, envisages a smoking ban in all education, health and social institutions as well as work places. 这项符合萨格勒布市渴望到2010年加入的欧盟标准的法案,设想了一项在所有教育、卫生和社会机构及工作场所禁止吸烟的法令。
- The boys went camping in Greece last year. 那些男孩子去年到希腊去露营度假。
- The group goes on a lecture tour of site in greece. 该旅游团前往希腊著名景点进行修学旅游。
- To date, fewer than half the cities have framed rules on smoking bans in some public spaces. Efforts to ban smoking in other areas such as karaoke parlors and restaurants have been stifled by unwilling owners and managers who fear a loss of business. 到目前为止,全国只有不到一半的城市制定了在某些公共场合禁烟的规定。而在一些如卡拉OK厅、餐馆等其它场所,禁烟却遭到经营者的抵制,因为他们担心生意会受到影响。
- When we're on holiday in Greece, we live like the natives. 我们在希腊度假时,就像当地人那样生活。
- The health ministry is considering smoking bans in designated public areas and will announce a policy this year, spokeswoman Kana Takahashi said by phone today, declining to provide more details. 女发言人在24日的电话中说,卫生部正考虑在指定的公共场所禁烟的政策,将在今年宣布。但她拒绝提供更多的细节。
- In Greece there lived once a king named Midas . 从前希腊叫迈德斯国王。
- She's the woman whom I met in Greece. 她就是我在希腊遇见的那个女人。
- Smoking is banned in the building. 这座大楼禁止吸烟。
- Smoking is banned in public place. 公共场所禁止吸烟。
- I had cousins still living in Greece. 我有几个亲戚仍住在希腊。
- Maybe you could come to visit me in Greece? 也许你可以到希腊来看我?
- She's the girl (whom) I met in Greece. 她就是我在希腊碰到的那个女孩。
- Yet they did impose a successful but short-lived ban in 2000. 他们也曾在2000年时成功实施了种植罂粟的禁令但是好景不长。
- In Greece, the god of love is called Eros. 希腊的爱神叫做eros。