- Smelling or tasting of plums. 李子味儿的尝起来或闻起来是李子味的
- Beery: Tasting term indicating the malty smell or taste of beer, usually considered a fault in wine. 啤酒味:品尝术语,指葡萄酒中含有啤酒的麦芽味或有啤酒味,出现在葡萄酒中通常被认为是个缺点。
- Beery:Smelling or tasting of beer 啤酒的:啤酒气味和味道的。
- Flavoured with spice;smelling or tasting of spice 用香料调味的;有香料味的;辛辣的
- Flavoured with spice; smelling or tasting of spice 用香料调味的;有香料味的;辛辣的
- Having the qualities or taste of wine; heady or intoxicating. 有酒香的,有酒味的; 易使人醉的或令人陶醉的
- Containing, tasting of, or smelling of garlic. 大蒜的含有大蒜的,尝起来或闻起来有大蒜味的
- Description:Bismuth subcarbonate is the the white powder,no smell or taste. 形状:碱式碳酸铋为无味无臭的白色粉末。
- Having the qualities or taste of wine;heady or intoxicating. 有酒香的,有酒味的;易使人醉的或令人陶醉的
- A sensory nerve cell or sense organ, as of smell or taste, that responds to chemical stimuli. 化学感受器对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官
- A sensory nerve cell or sense organ,as of smell or taste,that responds to chemical stimuli. 化学感受器对化学刺激作出反应的感觉神经细胞或嗅觉或味觉等感觉器官
- Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank. 腐臭的具有变质食油或脂肪那种难闻气味或味道的; 恶臭难闻的
- I sent my little boy for two pounds of plums. 我派我的小孩去买两磅李子。
- He's eaten a whole pound of plums! 他吃了整整一磅李子.
- Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo.Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. 最著名的例子就是俄狄浦斯,虽经过种种努力,仍然不能摆脱其弑父娶母的悲剧命运。
- An Inverted Branch of Plum Blossom. 一枝倒插的梅花。
- A mouse found a beautiful piece of plum cake. 一只老鼠发现了一块漂亮的葡萄干蛋糕。
- The panning of samples of fiver gravel, even the color or taste of water, may lead to a mineral lode upstreams. 淘洗河沙样品,甚至于水的颜色或水的味道,都可能预示着上游的矿脉。
- However it is possible that some micro-organisms which normally cause food to smell or taste bad before it has become unsafe may be destroyed more effectively by irradiation than those which are hazardous to health. 然而,这种情况是可能的,即比起其它一些对健康有害的方法,辐照可更有效地杀死一些通常使得食物在变得不安全前就已变味了的微生物。
- She was tasting of the sweets of concealment. 她正在品尝隐瞒事实的乐趣。