- Small sea lion craft mirror 小海狮工艺镜
- The sea lion seems to enjoy showing off. 海狮似乎对展出很得意。
- Small Sea Lion Adventure Games 小海狮历险小游戏
- Sea lions are lithe animals with the small ears. 海狮是身体柔软还有小小的耳朵的动物。
- House Manning - A red sea lion between two black pallets on white. 白色底纹上,两条黑色的竖条之间有一头红色的海狮。
- We watched dolphin, manatee, sea lion and whale shows. 我们看了海豚、海牛、海狮和鲸的表演。
- The 185-pound Steller sea lion waddled ashore, shocking students and teachers. 于是这只重185磅的北海狮一摇一摆地走上岸来,把学生与老师都吓了一大跳。
- Nautilus is a small sea animal. 鹦鹉螺是种小型海洋动物。
- A sea lion was spotted this week along a rural roadside in central California. 在加利福尼亚中心一条运河旁的路边上出现了一只海狮。
- The 84kg Steller sea lion waddled ashore, shocking students and teachers. 这头八十四公斤重的史代拉海狮摇摇摆摆地爬上岸,吓坏了在场所有师生。
- The Dee estuary: A small sea ( in Irish Sea) where the Dee River enters. 迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。
- But that didn't stop a sea lion from joining schoolchildren on a walk-a-thon. 不过,这并不能阻止这头海狮加入学童的行列,参加马拉松竞走。
- Of all the small sea divinities NereusProteus stood out as Peculiar sea-gods. 在的小海神中,纳鲁斯和普鲁吐斯异常独特。
- Sea lions are[ b][ color= Red] lithe[/ color][/ b] animals with the small ears. 海狮是身体柔软还有小小的耳朵的动物。
- Sea lions are [b][color=Red]lithe [/color][/b]animals with the small ears. 海狮是身体柔软还有小小的耳朵的动物。
- While the southern Big Sea is still shrinking, World Bank loans to Kazakhstan are focused on saving the Small Sea. 咸海分为南部的大海和北部的小海,目前,大海还在不断缩减,但世界银行已经贷款给哈萨克斯坦用于拯救小海的工程。
- Crafty Sea Lion Befuddles Fish Biologists by Continuing to Munch on Migrating Salmon. 狡猾的海狮不断吞吃回游的三文鱼,让鱼类生物学家十分困惑。
- The Caspian Sea is one of the smallest sea in the world. 里海位于亚洲与欧洲之间,是一个被陆地封锁了的内陆海。
- Threatened and endangered species in area -- Steller sea lion, Aleutian sea otter, Steller eider. 该地区的物种生存遭到威胁-------海狮,阿流申海獭,绒鸭等物种由于油料污染受到伤害。
- Reporters on the scene saw a sea lion in the head when the body has been askew, did not move far from normal "norms. 记者在现场看到,一只海狮在顶球时身体已经歪歪扭扭,动作远没平时“规范”。