- The road ducked into a small bridge. 这条路突然向下延至一座小桥。
- A small bridge spans the arm of the river. 一座小桥横跨河湾。
- There is a small bridge over the river. 河上有一座小桥。
- The small bridge is made of wood. 这座小桥是木头建的。
- This small bridge is made of thick planks. 这座小桥是用厚厚的木板搭起来的。
- Go ahead and pass a small bridge, you will find them, just near the road. 继续向前,过一座小桥,你就能看到,就在路边。
- What's the smallest bridge in the world? 世界最小的桥梁是什么?
- What is the smallest bridge in the world? 世界上最小的桥是?
- Of small bridges, flowing water and old-style houses. 小桥、流水、人家的景象。
- Small bridge next to the pole a few gold string and wind, a low-Fu Zhao rocks, engraved on the "Yi-Shuang". 小桥旁边,数竿金丝竹,低拂着一片山石,上刻“挹爽”二字。
- Jing Ximeng has disobeyed since parting, the small bridge over the flowing stream carp is fat. 别后锦里梦已违,小桥流水鲫鱼肥。
- One minute after a visitor crosses a small bridge into Shi Ba, a village watchman scurries over with a pad of paper to register passport details. 只要游客刚刚走过小桥进入石坝,不出一分钟就会有人赶来,拿着纸笔要求登记护照信息。
- Small bridge connecting Suzhou to the world is a bridge communicating between different ideologies and cultures, connecting with the whole world. 连通着苏州与世界的“小桥”,是思想文化交融沟通之桥,飞架东西南北,连通五湖四海。
- Since 1984, dozens of small bridge culverts have been constructed with integral bases of reinforced concrete slabs in soft ground in Huzhou. 湖州市自1984年以来,在软土地基采用钢筋混凝土板整体基础建造小桥涵几十座。
- Besides, there are flowerbeds, walking path, tress and bushes, a lapis lazuli tower, a lotus pond and a small bridge which form a serene place to relax. 再来,您会看见33尊可爱的小沙弥身处于大型盆栽景观与各种颜色的花海之中,非常动人!
- The garden was unlike anything he had ever seen: a little waterfall and stream and small bridge and manicured pebbled paths and rocks and flowers and shrubs. 抬眼望去,布莱克松从没有见过类似这样的花园:小小的一道落水瀑布、小桥横跨溪流、卵石铺砌的小径,还有精心布置的块石,优雅的花丛和灌木。
- Looking back on it today, I can see that I'd always felt a twinge of fear when driving over small bridges and along hilly highways. 今天回想起来,其实我每逢开车过小桥、走山路时都提心吊胆。
- Small bridges and flowing waters, white walls and dark grey roof tiles match one another in tranquil elegance. 苏州的街巷临河,小桥流水,粉墙黛瓦,简静雅洁。
- Then visited areas, small bridges down, pavilion rockery, Mau Lam Xiuzhu, step for King, all emotions. 再逛小区,小桥流水、凉亭假山、茂林修竹,步步为景、处处诗情画意。
- I saw the small girl topple over and hit her head. 我看见那小女孩栽了一跤,碰着了头。