- Small moving infrared target 红外运动小目标
- Detecting dim moving infrared target in the clutter background 复杂背景下的红外小目标检测
- A forward dynamic programming algorithm is presented in allusion to features of the moving infrared small dim target. 文章针对低信噪比下红外弱小运动目标的特点,提出了一种正向动态规划算法。
- In order to detect moving infrared dim and small target, a novel high-order cumulant projection algorithm was proposed. 摘要为检测弱小红外运动目标,提出了一种基于高阶累积量投影的检测算法。
- Not flow to small and small moving pathos. 不要流于小感伤和小感动。
- A new algorithm based on third-order cumulant was proposed to detect a moving dim infrared target under heavy background. 为检测强杂波背景中的红外弱小运动目标;提出了一种基于三阶累积量的检测新方法.
- Aiming at dim small moving target detection problems,Detect before Track(DBT) and Track before Detect(TBD) were analyzed and compared. 首先针对运动弱小目标检测问题,分析比较了先检测后跟踪技术与先跟踪后检测技术;
- Aiming at dim small moving target detection problems, Detect before Track (DBT) and Track before Detect (TBD) were analyzed and compared. 首先针对运动弱小目标检测问题,分析比较了先检测后跟踪技术与先跟踪后检测技术;
- The algorithm can effectively separated the small moving target from the rela-tively stationary backgrond according to the differences among the small moving target,back ground interference and noise by inhibiting the background and enhancing the target. 这种算法根据运动小目标,背景干扰和噪声在图象序列中的差异,能够抑制背景,增强小目标并将其从相对静止的背景中有效地分离出来。
- A kind of off-axis parabolic collimator acted as infrared target source was introduced. 论述了一种用于为某可靠性测试设备提供红外模拟目标源的离轴抛物面准直光管系统的结构选择。
- Automatic Target Recognition(ATR) of airplane infrared image is an important research field in infrared target detection and infrared imaging guidance. 飞机红外图像的自动目标识别(ATR)是红外探测与成像制导技术中的重要研究内容之一。
- Track before Detect technology for dim small moving targets in low SNR image sequences was surveyed. 对低信噪比下图像序列运动小目标先跟踪后检测技术进行了较为系统地研究。
- Application of joint transform correlator in detection of infrared target[A]Proceedings of Information Optics and Photonics Technologies II[C], 2007 . 董银文;王航宇;李鹏.;噪声图象中提取边缘的边缘分段自增强算法[A]第十三届全国图象图形学学术会议论文集[C];2006
- Firstly, an assessment modeling method of camouflage paints was established based on infrared target acquisition principle. 首先从红外目标识别基本原理出发,给出了涂敷效果评估的基本方法;
- A method based on adaptive filtering is proposed to detect dim small moving targets in strong undulant clutter background. 在分析强起伏背景信号的基础上,利用背景局部信号统计特征和目标运动特性,提出了一种基于自适应滤波的弱小目标检测方法。
- The infrared target detection, tracking and measure system with the ability of invisibility, strong anti-disturb and whole-day observation, are increasingly welcomed by military. 具有隐蔽(被动探测)、抗干扰能力强、全天候观测等优势的红外目标探测、跟踪与测量系统更是日益受到军方的青睐。
- This thesis mainly deals with the research on the methods of dim and small moving targets detection of IR sequence images,and one of the methodology flow is presented. 开展红外序列图像中的弱小运动目标检测算法的研究,对在现有硬件技术水平条件下,提高区域防御系统的生存力、有效反击能力以及武器装备系统的有效杀伤能力具有重要的军事意义和实用价值。
- What does it mean after all?Remember seeing lotus of gold of grandma small move in one's childhood only, be so missish with grave. 它到底意味着什么?只记得小时候看奶奶微挪金莲,是那么地矜持与庄重。
- Small Infrared Target Detection Based On Rough Set 基于粗糙集理论的红外小目标检测
- First, for the problem of detecting the dim and small targets in the infrared image, a curvelet-based background suppression algorithm is proposed for enhancing the infrared targets. 其一,针对红外图像中弱小目标检测的问题,对包含弱小目标的红外图像进行了背景杂波抑制,实现了弱小目标图像的增强;