- Methods of drawing off the stockpile water from the small coal pit by drilling 小窑积水钻探的放水方法
- The treatment of coal spontaneous combustion caused by small coal pits intruding has several difficulties in how to drop temperature effectively,control the air leak,put out fire efficiently,etc. 小窑入侵造成的煤体自燃,其治理存在如何有效降温、漏风控制、有效灭火等几个难点。
- Ventilation and Gas Management during District Rise Passing through Gob of Small Coal Pit 采区上山过小煤窑采空区通风瓦斯管理
- Fire Control Techniques for Drinage of Fully Mechanized Caving Face in Area Destroyed by Small Coal Pit 小煤窑破坏区综放面掘进防灭火技术
- Analysis of a pre-assessment on a rebuilding and extending item in certain small coal pit 某小煤井改扩建项目职业病危害预评价分析
- Behind windfall profit of small coal pits 小煤窑暴利的背后
- Small coal pit 小煤窑
- A small coal fire burned in the grate. 炉子里生着小小的煤火。
- Yes. This coal pit can be said to be China's oldest mechanically opened coal mine. 是啊。这口矿井可以说是中国年纪最大的一口机械矿井了吧。
- These are mine workers of a small coal mine in north-east of Yunnan. 云南滇东北部的小煤窑的矿工们。
- Establishing the safe and utility orientation system of the mine personnel in coal pit is of great significance for improving the safe production management of the coal pit. 摘要建立可靠实用的煤矿井下人员定位系统,对改善煤矿的安全生产管理有着重要的现实意义。
- After the impoundment of Xiaolangdi Reservoir,the water of small coal mines threatened Xin an Coal Mine. 小浪底水库蓄水后,淹没区内小煤窑充水对新安煤矿形成较大危害。
- He has to work in Coal pit. 他必须到小煤窑背煤。
- The shortwall ladder prop mining method namely strip extraction has been more extensively applied currently in small coal mine of Shaanxi province. 短壁刀柱采煤法即条带开采,目前在陕西省小煤矿开采中较广泛应用。
- The analyzed the features and difficulties of the support for goaf left by small coal mine in the mine shaft bottom of Shuguang Mine. 分析了曙光煤矿井底车场小煤窑遗留采空区支护的特点和难度,提出采用注浆加固、高强度锚杆、再配合预应力锚索支护方案。
- This paper introduces the mothed and excellence of gemel connection for adhesive tape on small coal mine and low power place. 这里介绍一种在小煤矿、低功率输送带中一种具有优势的连接方法-合页连接。
- Medium and small coal mines in north of Shaanxi Province generally adopt longwall remaining coal pillars support mining. 摘要长壁留煤柱支撑法开采是陕北中小煤矿普遍采用的一种采煤方法。
- In coal production areas,coal marketing and transport service agencies may be set up to provide marketing and transport services for medium-sized and small coal mines. 在煤炭产区可以组成煤炭销售、运输服务机构,为中心煤矿办理经销、运输业务。
- In coal production areas, coal marketing and transport service agencies may be set up to provide marketing and transport services for medium-sized and small coal mines. 在煤炭产区可以组成煤炭销售、运输服务机构,为中心煤矿办理经销、运输业务。
- Study on Treatment of Water in Coal Pit 采煤坑水处理方法研究