- He squinted in the bright sunlight. 他在很亮的阳光下眯起了眼睛。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。
- He has spoken down again after slightly pausing. 他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。
- When you look at the sun, you have to squint at it. 当你看太阳时,你得眯缝眼看。
- It is rash to cross the street without looking both ways. 不朝两边看看就穿马路是莽撞的。
- Come here till I get a good squint at you. 过来让我好好看看你。
- The bottle-top has been screwed on squint. 瓶盖没拧正。
- Clint Eastwood's trademark is his squint. 克林伊斯威特的特徵是他眯眯眼。
- One shivers slightly, looking up there. 一个人轻微颤栗,仰望着那儿。
- White wine should be slightly chilled. 白葡萄酒应稍微冰一下。
- You can't go to a job interview looking so scruffy! 你求职去面试不能这邋里邋遢的!
- I was slightly flummoxed. Well, totally gobsmacked. 我有点惊愕,嗯,真是目瞪口呆了!
- When you look at the sun,you have to squint at it. 当你看太阳时,你得眯缝眼看。
- Each step he took was slightly tentative. 他每走一步都有些迟疑不决。
- The car engine was pinking slightly. 车子的引擎发出一点点爆震声。
- Each of the houses is slightly different. 每所房子都稍有区别。
- I happened on just the thing I'd been looking for. 我偶然发现了我一直在寻找的东西。
- He is looking for job in the hotel industry. 他正试着在饭店找份工作。
- My interest in music has languished slightly. 我对音乐的兴趣有点减退。
- She slid out of the room when no one was looking. 她趁没人看见的时候溜出了房间。