- Skeletal syphilis 先天性骨梅毒
- We need a heavy-weight skeletal system. 我们需要特别重的骨骼系统。
- Skeletal muscle contains about 70 percent water. 骨骼肌约含百分之七十的水。
- All skeletal muscles can cramp at any given moment. 所有的骨骼肌都会在任何时候发生抽筋的状况。
- Syphilis developed a few days after the wedding. 婚后没几天就染上了梅毒。
- It may also be true for AIDS and Syphilis. 爱滋病、梅毒等严重传染性疾病也可能通过角膜移植发生传染。
- Trichomoniasis is more common than syphilis. 滴虫病比梅毒常见。
- The skin rash of syphilis is infectious. 梅毒皮疹是有传染性的。
- Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperstosis or DISH. 扩散自发性骨骼肥大。
- Can Genes Solve the Syphilis Mystery? 基因能够解答梅毒之谜吗?
- Can My Baby Get Syphilis From Me? 我可以得到婴儿梅毒从我?
- Gonorrhea and syphilis are venereal diseases. 淋病和梅毒是性
- Got syphilis what is the first symptom? 得了梅毒第一症状是什么?
- What symptom does syphilis have commonly? 梅毒一般都有哪些症状?
- Blacks have a different skeletal structure in the ankle and foot. 黑人在踝部和足部有不同的骨骼结构。
- Used in embalming, as a cure for cancer, leprosy, and syphilis. 涂香油于身体,是作为一种对毒瘤,麻疯病和梅毒的治疗。
- The point or mode of attachment of a skeletal muscle to the bone or other body part that it moves. 附着处骨骼肌肉与骨或它所带动的身体其他部分的连接点或连接方式
- This patient had optic perineuritis secondary to syphilis. 血清及脊髓液之萤光螺旋体抗体吸附试验呈阳性反应。
- Jacket restraint is used if skeletal pin or wire is used. 如果骨胳穿上针或钢丝就要用背心约束。
- Others are merely accumulations of coral and skeletal debris. 而另一些则仅仅是珊瑚和骸骨碎片的堆积。