- Six Mausoleum of Song Dynasty 宋六陵
- the Six Mausoleums of the Southern Song Dynasty 宋六陵
- This treatise is about the jade statuary of Song Dynasty . 这是一篇关于宋代玉雕的文章。
- The influence of XIN Qi-ji, a great ci poet of Song Dynasty, is very extensive. 摘要辛弃疾作为宋词一位大家,影响深远。
- Kaifeng, the capital of Song Dynasty, was divided into several compartments, each with its own characteristics. 摘要宋都开封分为数厢,每厢各有特点。
- The Beautiful Shade of Flower was composed for the famous work of Li Qing Zhao, a female poetry writer of Song Dynasty. 为宋代女词人李清照名作谱写的歌曲。
- The superb skills of Song Dynasty sculptors can also be seen in the sculptures' drapery. 在人物衣纹的塑造上也体现出雕塑家的高超技艺。
- In the fourth chapter, I distinguish differences between Gongxue and Zongxue, and analysis form and develop situation deeply for imperil clan of Song dynasty. 第四章,区别了“宫学”和“宗学”两者的不同,并围绕这两个方面,对宋代宗室的教育形式和发展情况作了深入分析。
- The imperial porcelain of Song Dynasty bears a quality of "jade-like warmness and smoothness" and "bitty cream". 大宋官窑瓷具有“温润如玉”、“凝脂”质感,宋窑乳浊的光泽,可说介于丝绸光泽与“羊脂”般的美玉质感之间,奇妙处不可言传。
- Hangzhou Dialect is a Wu Dialect bearing the Northern Mandarin flavour for Southern migration of Song Dynasty. 杭州方言是历史上宋室南迁、建都杭州而形成的一支带官话色彩的吴语。
- The remission institution mitigated the social contradictions of Song Dynasty and caused great harm at the same time. 赦宥在缓和两宋社会矛盾的同时,也带来了巨大的危害。
- Moreover,a poem was inscribed by an emperor of Song Dynasty,called Song Ningzong. 然此图笔法、敷色之柔雅沉厚,意趣之清美艳丽,极富女性气质。
- It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too. 后来,这也成为了沙.贾汉的陵寝。
- Isn't there a famous Mausoleum of Genghis Khan? 不是有一个很有名的成吉思汗陵吗?
- In the 11th century, when it was the capital of Song Dynasty China, its population was more than one million. 11世纪时,作为中国宋朝的国都,它拥有百万以上的人口。
- The third is bout the Gongbi portraitist of Song dynasty had an impact on modern time. 三、宋代工笔人物画对当代工笔画的影响。
- The people of Song Dynasty didn’t evaluate highly to monk cursive script and mostly were criticism. 四、僧人草书的缺陷使得其影响非常短暂;
- The Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor is now a national monument. 黄帝陵被国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位。
- In the background, the Square Pagoda of Song Jiang of the Song Dynasty (900 years old). 背景中是始建于宋代的松江方塔(有900多年历史)。